(영문) 부산지방법원 2015.04.08 2015고단469



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

1. 피고인은 2013. 9. 26. 15:00경 부산 금정구 C 2층에 있는 피해자 D(여, 81세)의 집 안에서, 피해자에게 술값을 요구하였으나 이를 주지 않는다는 이유로, 피해자에게 “씹할 년, 개 잡년, 술 먹게 돈을 달라, 이년아”라고 욕설을 하고, 발로 피해자의 허리, 가슴 등을 수회 걷어찼다.

As above, the Defendant abused the victim and inflicted injury on the victim, such as cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage 3, 4, and 5, which require treatment for about

2. On December 26, 2014, at around 08:30 on December 26, 2014, the Defendant expressed the victim’s desire to “Isri, Isri, Isri, Isri, Isri, Isri, Isri, Isri, Isri, Isri, Isri, Isri,” to “Isri, Isri, Isri, Is the victim’s left part.”

As above, the Defendant abused the victim and caused the victim to enter the left side of the part of the victim, and thereby, inflicted an injury on the part of the victim with which the number of days of treatment cannot be determined.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Each police statement made to D or F;

1. Photographs;

1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes to reports on internal investigation (attached documents, such as a certificate of family relationship, and a medical treatment certificate);

1. Relevant Article 257 (2) and (1) of the Criminal Act, the choice of punishment for the crime, and the choice of imprisonment;

1. Among concurrent crimes, the reason for sentencing under the former part of Article 37, Article 38(1)2, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act [the scope of recommending punishment] (the grounds for sentencing under Article 38(1)2, and Article 50 of the Criminal Act, the victim who continues to exist in the aggravated area (six months to two years of imprisonment] (the decision of sentencing] of the first type of general bodily injury (the period of six months to two years of imprisonment] (the decision of sentence] of the crime of this case is deemed to have inflicted an injury on the victim who is his mother, and the crime of this case is very poor in light of the circumstances of the crime

However, the defendant's attitude of recognizing and opposing his mistake.