(영문) 울산지방법원 2019.02.12 2018고단3156



Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and six months.


Criminal facts

On September 19, 2006, the Defendant was sentenced to a suspended sentence of three years for the same crimes, etc. at the Busan District Court on September 19, 2006, with a fine of three million won, and on April 8, 2010, by the Ulsan District Court on April 8, 2010.

1. On August 24, 2014, the Defendant: (a) around 22:13, on August 24, 2014, driven C Poter cargo at a section of approximately 2 km from the front of the Yangsan City B market to the front road of the Dong-dong Yando Island in the same city, the Defendant driven C Poter cargo at a level of about 0.104% under the influence of alcohol without a vehicle driver’s license.

2. The crime committed on February 3, 2015.

A. From around 22:25 on February 3, 2015, the Defendant driven a H rocketing car with a blood alcohol concentration of at least 0.120% under the influence of alcohol without a vehicle driver’s license from the front side of the construction site E (D) located in Yangsan-si to the front side of G located in F. G. at approximately 200 meters.

B. On February 3, 2015, the Defendant violated the Resident Registration Act, at around 22:25, on the ground that he driven a drinking license on the front of G in Yangsan City F, the Defendant: (a) demanded the police to present a driver’s license on the grounds that he was under the influence of alcohol on the front of G, and (b) used the Defendant’s work Dong K resident registration number of another person by denying the Defendant’s resident registration number in advance, who was out of the Republic of Korea.

C. The Defendant in the event of a pre-record writing and electronic records, etc., the Defendant: (a) prepared a drinking control notice with K using a portable information device (PDA) at the time and place specified in the said paragraph; and (b) demanded the Defendant to sign the device; (c) written a driver’s name column and stated “K” in the driver’s name column; and (d) written a file of the notice of drinking control in the name of K, which is a prior record of the certificate of fact; and (c) had the J, who is aware of the fact, enter the file into the police’s internal computer network.