(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2017.05.19 2017고정178



Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 2,000,000.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

1. No person who commits a crime on November 11, 2015, around 09:24 shall conceal any false information through an information and communications network to defame any third person, thereby impairing the reputation of any third person;

On November 11, 2015, the defendant had access to the defendant's Twitter account using the defendant's mobile phone from 09:24 on November 11, 2015, and then had access to the defendant's Twitter account to slander the victim's B, "I treat women who wish to be sweed and received only once in the future because of human request, and have contributed to the chest of women who will be able to sweed and sweed in the future, and I am well see about C. And it has come to the problem of drinking and drinking.

D. Although it is not a matter to be considered as a matter, it is good to see the Republic of Korea as a matter of course.

The next person shall be the latter.

Until now, the author posted a letter that "she has no desire to work as a business partner or people".

However, there was no fact that the defendant was trying to look at female workers only once, and the defendant did not want all business partnerships and people who were working together.

Accordingly, the defendant abused the victim's reputation by disclosing false information through information and communications networks with a view to slandering the victim.

2. No person who commits a crime on November 11, 2015 on or around 16:25 shall disclose any fact to the public through an information and communications network with intent to defame any other person, thereby impairing the honor of any other person;

On November 11, 2015, the Defendant access the Defendant’s Twitter account using the Defendant’s mobile phone to the Defendant’s Twitter account, and slandered the Victim B, “E I am. I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am am I am I am am I am am I am am I am am you am you am you am you am you am you am you am you am you am you am.