(영문) 광주지방법원순천지원 2019.04.25 2018가단80633



1. The Defendant’s acquisition by prescription on May 14, 2018, with respect to the Plaintiff’s share of 3468/400, out of 3884.1 square meters, Jeonnam-gun, Chungcheongnam-gun.


In full view of the respective descriptions and arguments in Gap evidence Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, and 9 (including additional numbers), the plaintiff is recognized as having occupied the land as stated in Paragraph 1 of this Article (hereinafter referred to as "land of this case") in the order of registration of ownership preservation as of May 14, 1998 by the defendant as the intention of possession for twenty (20) years from the above point of view.

Therefore, as the Plaintiff seeks, the Defendant is obligated to implement the procedure for ownership transfer registration on May 14, 2018 with respect to the share of 3468/400 of the instant land among the instant land, as sought by the Plaintiff.

Therefore, the plaintiff's claim shall be accepted for the reasons and it is so decided as per Disposition.