(영문) 대전지방법원서산지원 2020.08.26 2020고단540



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

Seized evidence No. 1 shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

On May 4, 2020, the Defendant received a proposal from an employee of telephone financial fraud assistance in the name-based telephone that he had become aware of indivating the previous lending advertisement, and received money from the Defendant to a designated account. The Defendant was in charge of receiving the money from the victims of telephone financial fraud and delivering the money from the victims of telephone financial fraud by receiving the money from the victims of telephone financial fraud, even though he knows that the Defendant may be a victim of telephone financial fraud.

On May 11, 2020, a member of the telephone financial fraud assistance in the nameless statement made a false statement to the effect that, by misrepresenting the victim B with a telephone call from May 11, 2020 to that, “a person who prepares and transmits a loan application shall provide a loan from C to 38 million won to the party,” and, after a locking, a member of the telephone financial fraud assistance who misrepresented the employee of the Financial Supervisory Service from the other name unfortunateed by telephone call to the victim B from the unfortunateed place, “the existing loans of the party are discovered to be a violation of the Financial Law and shall be repaid immediately.” It made a false statement to the effect that “a person who is exposed to the violation of the Financial Law and thus, shall repay the loan obligation in cash,

However, in fact, telephone financial fraud assistance staff were not C or the Financial Supervisory Service employees, and even if they were paid the money from the victim B, they did not have the intent or ability to provide the above loans.

On the 13th day of the same month, the telephone financial fraud assistance officers in the name of the victim B deceiving the victim B as above and let the victim B move into the front road of the building in front of the building in Jin-si with cash of 17 million won around the 16:35th day of the same month, and the defendant takes the road in front of the building in front of the above D building in accordance with the direction of the telephone financial fraud assistance officer in the name of the temporary and irregular telephone financial fraud.