(영문) 특허법원 2017.01.20 2016허892



1. The plaintiff Gap corporation, Eul and Eul's successor's claims are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be.


1. Basic facts

(a) The title of the patented invention of this case (A. 1 and 2 : 2)/ The filing date of the 1stalthm resin / the registration number: F/ G/H 3: the succeeding intervenor of the plaintiff corporation 1-10 / the deletion claim 11 / the 1stalthm balance / the 1stalthm of the 1stalthm color / the 2ndalm 2ndalm 1stalm malthalm malthm malthm malthalthm malthm malthm malthm 1; the 1stalm malthalm malthm 2ndalm malthm malthm malthm malthm malthm malthm malthm malthm 1 to the 1stalm malthalm malthm malthm 2.