(영문) 창원지방법원 마산지원 2021.02.16 2020고단570



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[Based on the premise, the Defendant was investigated into the crime of aiding and abetting fraud (No. 2019 type No. 87160 of the Seoul Central District Public Prosecutor's Office) that he/she deposited KRW 990,000,000 from an employee of the Washington to another account and transferred it to another account in accordance with the instructions of the Defendant. In addition, he/she was aware of the fact that he/she was investigated into the crime of aiding and abetting Fraud (No. 2019 type No. 87160 of the Seoul Central Public Prosecutor's Office) that he/she leased a physical card connected to the Defendant's forestry association account under the name of the Defendant, and that he/she was sufficiently aware of the fact that he/she was investigated into the crime of aiding and abetting (the Changwon District Public Prosecutor's Office 2020 type No. 15166 of the Changwon District Public Prosecutor's Office 2020).

[2] In using and managing access media, no person shall knowingly lend access media for the purpose of using it for a crime or for the purpose of using it, unless otherwise specifically provided for in other Acts.

Nevertheless, on December 29, 2019, the Defendant listened to the phrase “to lend a e-mail card if it is sent.” On December 31, 2019, the Defendant, at around 14:00, knew that access media, such as the above premise facts, can be used for the Defendant’s crime of the e-mailing fraud in the event of lending a e-mail-based via Kwikset, one physical card connected to the e-mail account under the Defendant’s name, and then lending a e-mail card to the e-mail in order to assist the lending, and the e-mail e-mail employee on December 31, 2019 is not a financial institution employee, but a victim without the intent or ability to lend the e-mail to the victim.

Existing loans.