(영문) 서울행정법원 2017.11.02 2017구단54510



1. Of the instant lawsuit, the part of Plaintiff A’s claim for business loss compensation shall be dismissed.

2. Defendant.


1. Basic facts

(a) Details of the decision of Defendant FF Housing Redevelopment Project Association (A): The location and size of the FF Housing Redevelopment Project (B): The project implementer: Defendant FF Housing Redevelopment Project Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Defendant FF Association”) and the progress of the project: (d) the FF Housing Redevelopment Project on December 6, 2007; (3) the public announcement of the authorization to implement the project on March 19, 2009; (2) the public announcement of the authorization to implement the project on June 5, 2014; (2) the public announcement of the approval to implement the project on August 17, 2015; (3) the public announcement of the public announcement of the approval to implement the project on August 22, 2016; and (4) the public announcement of the approval to implement the project on April 22, 2016; and (3) the portion of the land appraisal corporation’s land appraisal and assessment is excluded from the appraisal and assessment project on April 17, 2016.

B. The deceased J’s death and the Plaintiff A’s residential situationJ continued to reside on October 20, 1968 after the move-in report with the Plaintiff, the wife, on the second floor and the first floor above the ground (hereinafter “the deceased J’s Housing”) as the owner of the land on the ground of the deceased J’s land.

The Network J died on November 18, 2015, and the property was jointly inherited by Plaintiffs A, B, and C, who are their wife.

C. The project name (1) project name: the location and area of the G Housing Redevelopment Project (b) project: the Seoul Mapo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government LW 62,245.80 square meters: the defendant.