(영문) 서울행정법원 2014.03.20 2012구합35009



1. On September 14, 2012, the National Labor Relations Commission rendered relief for unfair dismissal between the Plaintiff A and the Intervenor A in the Defendant joining the National Labor Relations Commission.


1. Details of the disposition;

A. The Intervenor joining the Defendant (hereinafter referred to as the “ Intervenor”) is operating a casino with its main office located in Seoul as a company with casino business purposes, etc. D points and E points (hereinafter referred to as “E points”), and F points casino with its main office located in Busan as well as F points casino.


A is the deputy head of the marketing center, China marketing team, and the plaintiff B was employed by the participant on April 18, 2006, and the head of the marketing headquarters overseas marketing center, China marketing team division of the marketing center and the head of the marketing team division of the marketing center and the marketing team division of the plaintiff B were employed by the participant on August 1, 2006.

B. On March 14, 2012, the Intervenor held a disciplinary committee against the Plaintiffs, and resolved on disciplinary dismissal against the Plaintiffs by the following disciplinary reasons and applicable provisions, and notified each of them to the Plaintiffs (hereinafter “each of the instant dismissal”).

▣ 원고 A 징계사유 ① 참가인의 크레딧 지침 제4조(크레딧 한도) 및 제9조(크레딧 상환)를 위반하였으며 참가인의 업무 원칙인 담보(디파짓) 설정 없이 2011. 2.경 중국인 고객 G(이하 ‘G’이라 한다)에게 4억 7,700만 원의 크레딧을 제공, 고객으로부터 미회수 상태임. 이에 결과적으로 참가인에게 4억 2,000여만 원의 재산상 손실을 초래함 ② G이 위 대여금을 상환하지 않았음에도 원고 A은 참가인의 CRM(전산시스템)에 상환완료 되었다는 허위보고를 함 근거규정 : 참가인의 징계규정 제4조 제3, 20항 ▣ 원고 B 징계사유 ① 참가인의 크레딧 지침 제4조(크레딧 한도) 및 제9조(크레딧 상환)를 위반하였으며 참가인의 업무 원칙인 담보(디파짓) 설정 없이 2011. 4. 15.경 중국인 고객 H(이하 ‘H’이라 한다) 및 그가 동행한 고객 6인에게 합계 27억 원의 크레딧을 제공하여 결과적으로 참가인에게 27억 원의 재산상 손실을 초래하였음(이하 원고 A에 대한 위 ①징계사유와 합쳐서 ‘제1 징계사유’라 한다) ② H이...