(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2014.02.14 2013고합532



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and six months.

The defendant shall complete a sexual assault treatment program for 120 hours against the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant was the husband who re-born with the birth F of the mother of the victim D (the age of 18 at the time of 2011), the victim E (the age of 13 at the time of 2010), and the husband was the victim and the victim by marriage in the fourth degree. From 2007, the victims were frequently playing in the Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu G and the third floor, Seoul, the house of the Defendant and F, and from 2010 to 2012, the victims were residing in the Defendant’s house.

1. Indecent acts by compulsion against victims E;

A. The Defendant, at the J restaurant operated by the mother I of the victims in 2010 Sinyang-si, the Defendant: (a) committed indecent acts by compulsion of the victims, such as: (b) the victims E, having come back from the school; and (c) the victim E, having come back to the school; and (d) having come back to the panty; and (d) having come to the house by inserting his hand; and (c) the victims, having her relatives, having a panty by inserting her hand; and (d) having come to the house.

B. In 2010, the Defendant, at the victim’s room inside the Defendant’s house, committed indecent acts by force by force against the victim, who had a panty of the victim, she seeed himself/herself by inserting his/her panty with his/her panty, by inserting his/her panty with his/her panty.

2. Quasi-indecent acts by compulsion, indecent acts by compulsion, or attempted rape of the victim D;

A. On November 20, 201, the Defendant committed an indecent act by taking advantage of the victim’s blood-related state to resisting, such as: (a) in the victim’s room in the Defendant’s house; (b) in the victim’s clothes, the part of the sound and the part of the chest, in hand, of the locked victim’s clothes.

B. On December 201, 201, the Defendant: (a) committed indecent act by force on the victim’s house room of the Defendant; (b) on the part of the Defendant, the Defendant: (c) Habked the victim’s house; (d) Habked on the part of the victim; (c) kid the part of the victim in the clothes; and (d) Habked on the part of the victim; (d) Habked on the part of the victim; and (e) Habked on the part of the victim; and (e) Had on the part of the victim, she kid down the victim’s hand in front and rear the victim’

C. On January 201, 201, the Defendant was on the Defendant’s house.