(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2018.11.23 2018고단2229



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (Kameras and other crimes);

A. On June 26, 2018, around 14:02, the Defendant: (a) taken a part in the victim’s knives of the E company building in Seongbuk-gu, Sungnam-gu; (b) the knives of the victim F (V) who was walking before the Defendant, taken the victim’s knives in front of the Defendant.

B. On June 27, 2018, around 11:32, the Defendant, at H’s coffee shop located in the Changwon-si, Changwon-si, Masan-si, G, the Defendant taken the booms of the victim’s name and non-sat and traw in front of the said coffee shop.

2. Around July 15:37, 2018, the Defendant violated the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (Access to public places for sexual purposes), and the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (Access to public places for sexual crimes), on the E Company’s building where the Defendant is working in Seongbuk-gu, Sungnam-si, Seoul-si, taken a female body of the E Company’s employee, and taken a melting female body on the fifth floor of the said building for the purpose of meeting his/her sexual desire, and taken the body of the victim’s body while reporting this melting the victim’s name from the side section.

From around that time to August 7, 2018, the Defendant, as well as the above crime, had taken the body of the victims who entered a female toilet in the same manner seven times in total, as shown in the daily list of crimes, and reported a change in the body of the victims.

3. Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes;

A. On July 4, 2018, at around 17:47, the Defendant intruded a female toilet screen on the fifth floor of the building in order to satisfy his/her sexual desire by photographing the body of the E company where the Defendant works in Seongbuk-gu, Sungnam-gu, Sungnam-si.

B. On July 17, 2018, the Defendant was on the building above E around 17:55, and on the screen.