(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.10.11 2017가단5164533



1. The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff corporation B 14,139,400 won, 66,606,090 won to the plaintiff corporation C and each of the above amounts.


1. In fact, the following facts do not conflict between the parties, or may be acknowledged by comprehensively taking account of the overall purport of the pleadings in each entry in Gap evidence 1-3, Gap evidence 2-13.

The Defendant is a legal entity that operates a department store in the building, and the Plaintiff A entered into a cosmetic store agreement with the Plaintiff Company B (hereinafter “Plaintiff B”) on February 2017, and with the Plaintiff Company C (hereinafter “Plaintiff C”) on the trademark of “F,” and the trademark of “G” with the Plaintiff Company C (hereinafter “Plaintiff”).

B. According to each franchise agreement concluded between the Plaintiff A and the other Plaintiffs, if the Plaintiff entered into a sales contract with a specific department store, the other Plaintiffs first pay their own expenses to the Plaintiff, and subsequently claim their expenses to the Plaintiff A.

C. Around February 2017, the head of the business division, who was in charge of the Defendant’s employee selection, etc. of the instant department store shop occupants, proposed to the Plaintiffs the salesroom of the instant department store, and accordingly, the Plaintiffs continued the tegrative construction on the premise of the salesroom occupants.

However, around February 26, 2017, the defendant laid down the salesroom occupants of the plaintiffs.

2. As to the judgment on the claims of Plaintiffs B and C, the “Plaintiffs” in this item is called the “Plaintiffs”.

A person shall be appointed.

A. 1) The Defendant concluded a franchise agreement with the Plaintiffs and concluded a franchise agreement with the Plaintiffs, while knowing the fact that Plaintiff A would bear the Plaintiffs’ expenses when Plaintiff A rents in the instant department store, the Plaintiff made a verbal agreement with the Plaintiff on the sales of the instant department store, and the Plaintiffs brought about the expenses for trust and construction. However, the Defendant unilaterally reversed the agreement. Accordingly, the Defendant is liable to compensate the Plaintiffs for damages arising therefrom. 2) The Defendant agreed with the Plaintiff on the sales of the instant department store.