(영문) 인천지방법원 2020.10.15 2020고단2959



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

Seized No. 3 (D Card Number E) (No. 1) shall be confiscated.

The defendant.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, while conducting an obscene hosting of obscene contents through an unspecified number of victims and smartphones, stored the video images of the victims' body pictures and self-defluences, and then threatened the victims to send them to the account secured in advance by the victims' cell phone contact numbers without remitting money to the victims, and received money from the victims' cell phone contact numbers, and received so-called "Physical Camping" crime and received money from an unspecified number of victims, and received money from an account secured in advance by introducing so-called so-called "refacing" and received money from an unspecified number of victims to receive 3% of the amount of money withdrawn from the employee of the crime committed the crime and received the means of access to be used for the crime, and received and received money from the victims to deliver the money deposited by the victims.

"200 Highest 2959"

1. On February 7, 2020, the non-explosist in the name of the Twitter was urged the victim F to do obscene acts, such as physical exposure, by inducing the victim F to do so at the Kakaoox through the Kakaox, and recorded this by video recording the victim, by transmitting the file containing a malicious code to the victim, thereby obtaining contact information of the victim, and by threatening the victim to “I would capture obscene videos to the people without sending the money,” and then, transferred KRW 80,000 from the victim to the company bank account (H) in the G name around February 8, 2020.

Since then, at around 13:51 on the same day, the Defendant withdrawn the above KRW 80,000 from the cash withdrawal machine of the D Bank I and delivered it to the cash collection book sent by the unsatisfed winners of name, and then withdrawn the sum of KRW 14.8 million from the victim 6 as shown in the attached list of crimes (1) from March 4, 2020 to March 4, 2020.

Accordingly, the defendant suffered from the victims.