(영문) 대구지방법원 2014.02.13 2013고단4982



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Of the facts charged in the instant case, violation of the Illegal Check Control Act against No. C.


Punishment of the crime

From 2003 to 2003, the Defendant entered into a check contract under the name of the Daegu Bank of Korea and the Defendant, and entered into a check contract under the name of the branch and the Defendant.

On February 28, 2013, the Defendant issued one check number “F”, “20,000,000,” and the date of issuance “F” under the Defendant’s name as “F” in E-art operated by the Defendant in Daegu North-gu, Daegu-gu, and issued one check number on July 1, 2013, the check holder presented a proposal to pay the check on July 1, 2013, which is within the period of presentment for payment, but did not receive the shortage of deposits.

In addition, the Defendant issued a total of 12 pages (a total sum of 124,430,000 won) of the per share from February 28, 2013 to June 30, 2013, as indicated in the attached list of crimes (1), and the check holder offered a payment proposal within the period for payment, but the check holder did not receive a shortage of deposit or a non-transaction.

From November 22, 2004, the Defendant entered into a check contract in the name of the Defendant at the location of Daegu bank from November 22, 2004 and entered into the check contract with the said bank.

On April 30, 2013, the Defendant issued one copy of the check number G, the check amount of KRW 5,500,000, and the date of issuance of the check on August 15, 2013 in E-art located in Daegu North-gu, Daegu-gu, Daegu-gu, and issued one copy of the check number table as of August 15, 2013, and the check holder presented a payment proposal within the period of presentment for payment, but did not receive as a disposition

In addition, the Defendant issued KRW 17,00,000 from June 30, 2013 to June 30, 2013 a total of three par value per unit, from that time as indicated in the attached list of crimes (2), and the check holder presented a payment proposal within the respective period of payment, but all of them did not receive a disposition of suspension of transaction.

"2013 Highest 6612"

1. The Defendant, from November 2012, operated the “E” Mart located in Daegu Northern-gu D, and around that time, other chain stores operated together, and the Defendant fell short of operating funds, such as the amount of debt to KRW 100,00,000.