(영문) 창원지방법원 2020.02.19 2019고단2215



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

On June 26, 2019, the Defendant: B and on June 26, 2019, around 07:10, the victim E (the age of 19) and the victim F (the age of 18) were committed in front of the “D” located in Kimhae-si, Kim Jong-si on the ground that the victims were neglected and walked, and the victims were followed by the victims. The Defendant: (a) was able to see why she entered the victim’s back part of the victim’s F by hand; (b) was tight back with the victim’s back part of the victim’s E; (c) was tight back after the victim’s son, her son and her son, etc. walked into the floor; and (d) the victim’s her son and her son, etc. was faced with the victim’s son and her son, and (d) the victim’s her son, who was in excess of the victim’s her hand, was at the right hand of the victim.

As a result, the defendant, together with B, injured the victim E, such as complicated aggregates in the right breath section in need of treatment for about 8 weeks, and assaulted the victim F.

On August 31, 2019, at around 04:50 on August 31, 2019, the Defendant assaulted the victim by fasting the victim's chest and shoulder part of the victim's chest and shoulder with his hand while the victim prevented the Defendant, while taking a bath for the Defendant.

"2019 Highest 3255"

1. On August 23, 2019, at around 10:15, the Defendant: (a) threatened the Defendant with the appearance and face of the Defendant on two occasions, respectively, on the ground that the Victim L (the age of 18) who is the Defendant’s mother (her mother) was able to take a bath to the horse in the Defendant’s residence located in J apartment apartment K, Kim Jong-si, Kim Jong-si, Kim Jong-si on two occasions; and (b) had been on three occasions a sloping bridge, but continued to take three times, the Defendant threatened the Defendant with “scop, fright, and kills” by gathering the transition (11cm in the blade length) which is a dangerous object on the knife.

Accordingly, the defendant carried dangerous objects and threatened the victim.

2. Domestic violence is committed against the defendant's apartment in front of the apartment at around 10:30 on the same day.