(영문) 광주지법 2005. 7. 6. 선고 2004나12475 판결

[근저당권말소] 상고[각공2005.9.10.(25),1443]

Main Issues

[1] The method of interpreting the scope of secured obligation in a case where a written contract to establish a mortgage takes the form of a general transaction agreement printed in the same letter

[2] The case holding that the scope of secured obligation, unlike the language of the contract to establish a mortgage, is limited to the obligation to pay alcoholic beverages which the limited partnership company, which is the principal debtor, has been entrusted to the management, and it does not include the obligation to pay alcoholic beverages after the entrustment

Summary of Judgment

[1] Generally taking the form of a general transaction agreement, which is printed in the same text, as it is a disposal document, if the authenticity is recognized, the content of declaration of intent shall be interpreted in accordance with the language and text of the contract unless there are any special circumstances. However, if it is deemed reasonable to interpret the intent of the parties as a security obligation only within a certain scope of obligation, unlike the language and text of the contract, in light of all the circumstances such as the process and purpose of concluding the contract, amount of secured obligation, the mutual relationship between the person who created the collateral security and the creditor and the creditor, the scope of liability for warranty may be limited according to the intent of the parties. In cases where the right to collateral security was created without the duration agreement for securing the obligation arising from a continuous transaction, and if there is no possibility that the principal obligation expected to be the secured obligation becomes more likely to occur due to the termination of the transaction, the remaining obligation until that time shall be deemed as

[2] The case holding that the scope of the secured obligation is limited to alcoholic beverage price obligations that the limited partnership company, which is the principal debtor, has been entrusted with the management of the limited partnership company, and it does not include alcoholic beverage price obligations after the entrustment management has been terminated, even if the principal debtor stated in the mortgage contract that the scope of the secured obligation includes all obligations that are currently or will be currently borne by the mortgagee within the maximum limit of the claim

[Reference Provisions]

[1] Articles 105, 357(1), and 360 of the Civil Act; Article 5 of the Regulation of Standardized Contracts Act / [2] Articles 105, 357(1), and 360 of the Civil Act; Article 5 of the Regulation of Standardized Contracts Act

Plaintiff and Appellant

Lee-sung (Attorney Park Hong-chul, Counsel for the plaintiff-appellant)

Defendant, Appellant

career siren Co., Ltd. and one other (Law Firm Barun Law, Attorneys Hong Gyeong-chul et al., Counsel for the defendant-appellant)

The first instance judgment

Gwangju District Court Decision 2004Da7076 Delivered on November 4, 2004

Conclusion of Pleadings

June 1, 2005


1. Revocation of the first instance judgment.

2. The Defendants shall implement the procedure for registration of cancellation of the registration of the establishment of a neighboring mortgage completed by the Gwangju District Court No. 40483, May 31, 2002 with respect to the real estate stated in the attached list to the Plaintiff.

3. The costs of the lawsuit shall be borne by the Defendants in both the first and second instances.

Purport of claim and appeal

The same shall apply to the order.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. A. Around May of the same year, when a mobile leap is entrusted by a immigration who operated a limited partnership sub-owned alcoholic beverage (hereinafter referred to as "sub-owned alcoholic beverage") and from January 2002, he operated a sub-owned alcoholic beverage from around January 2002, he requested the Plaintiff, who is a ticket agent, to present the real estate listed in the [Attachment] list, owned by the Plaintiff (hereinafter referred to as the "real estate of this case"), in order to be supplied with alcoholic beverages by means of long-term support from the Defendants (a means of offering alcoholic beverages first from creditors under a certain security offered by the debtor and repaying the proceeds over a considerable period of interest).

B. Accordingly, on May 30, 2002, the Plaintiff offered the instant real estate as collateral, and entered into a mortgage agreement with the Defendants as the Defendants, whereby the debtor is the creditor-mortgage and the mortgagee-mortgage. On the following day, the Plaintiff completed the establishment registration of the neighboring mortgage (hereinafter referred to as the “mortgage”) with the Gwangju District Court No. 40483 regarding the instant real estate. However, the maximum debt amount is set at KRW 180,000,000 for the instant mortgage agreement and the registry regarding the instant real estate.

C. However, the Plaintiff resisted the Defendants that the maximum debt amount of the instant right to collateral security is too much than the initial agreement. Accordingly, on June 18, 2002, the mobile scrap, who is an employee in charge of the Defendants, promised to operate at the level of KRW 120,000 as of June 18, 2002 at the rate of KRW 120,000 as of June 18, 2002.

E. Around the end of June, 2002, the mobile base had terminated the consignment management of the Hadju, and the Plaintiff, mobile base, and his/her her her vexed base were fully repaid the amount of KRW 118,886,230 as at the time of the completion of the consignment management from July 22, 2002 to July 31, 2003, as stated in the attached repayment status.

F. However, even after the completion of entrusted management of the Talves as seen above, the Defendants supplied alcoholic beverages to Halves from October 2002 to Halves by the right holder, who is an employee of the Plaintiff or Malves, without any relationship with the Plaintiff or Malves, and not yet receive KRW 44,897,80 out of the price.

G. Meanwhile, around June 13, 2003, the Defendants applied for a voluntary auction on the instant real estate, and withdrawn on July 4, 2003. On August 6, 2003, the Defendants changed the maximum debt amount of the instant right to collateral security to KRW 50,000,000.

[Reasons for Recognition] Facts without a partial dispute, Gap evidence Nos. 1 through 6 (including additional numbers), Eul evidence Nos. 1 through 3, part of the witness moving file in the first instance court, witness moving seat in the first instance court, testimony of the witness moving leaps in the first instance court, and the purport of the whole pleadings

2. The parties' assertion and judgment

A. The parties' assertion

The plaintiff asserts that the right to collateral security of this case is an obligation to secure only the liquor payment obligation during the period in which the movement base was entrusted with the management of Hadju, and that the obligation incurred after July 2002, when the movement base had completed the entrusted management of Hadju was not related to the right to collateral security of this case. The plaintiff et al. fully repaid the debt of 118,886,230 won at the time when the entrusted management was completed and all the secured obligation was extinguished. Thus, the defendants are obligated to perform the procedure for registration of cancellation of the establishment

In regard to this, the defendant asserts that the obligor under the mortgage contract of this case is a hybrid rather than a mobile base, and is irrelevant to the termination of the entrusted management of a mobile base, and that it is not yet possible to respond to the plaintiff's claim, since he did not repay the amount of KRW 44,897,80 to the defendants.

(b) Markets:

In general, in taking the form of a general transaction agreement, which is printed in the same text, as it is a disposal document, if the authenticity is recognized, the content of declaration of intent shall be interpreted in accordance with the language and text of the contract, barring any special circumstances. However, if it is deemed reasonable to interpret only a certain amount of obligation within a certain scope as a collateral obligation, unlike the language and text of the contract, in light of all circumstances such as the process and purpose of the contract, the amount of the secured obligation, the relationship between the person who created the collateral security and the creditor and the creditor, the scope of the liability for warranty may be limited according to the intent of the parties. In a case where the right of collateral security was created without a duration agreement for securing the obligation arising from a continuous transaction, if there is no possibility that the principal obligation intended to be the collateral obligation becomes more likely to occur due to the termination of the transaction, the remaining obligation until that time shall be determined

살피건대, 앞서 든 을 제1호증(근저당권설정계약서)의 기재에 의하면, 이 사건 근저당권의 채무자는 이동윤이 아닌 하림주류이고, 채권최고액이 180,000,000원이며, '채무자가 위 채권최고액의 범위 내에서 현재 부담하고 있거나 또는 장래 부담하게 될 모든 채무'를 그 피담보채무로 하고 있는 사실은 인정되나, 한편 앞서 든 증거들과 변론 전체의 취지를 종합하면, 이동윤은 피고들로부터 120,000,000원의 한도 내에서 장기지원의 방식으로 주류를 공급받기 위하여 원고에게 이 사건 부동산을 담보로 제공할 것을 부탁한 사실, 원고는 이동윤의 부탁에 따라 120,000,000원의 한도 내에서 이 사건 부동산을 담보로 제공한 것인데 이 사건 근저당권의 채권최고액이 180,000,000원으로 등기가 된 것을 보자 이를 시정하기 위해 위 등기가 경료된 지 20일이 되지 않은 2002. 6. 18. 이 사건 근저당권설정계약을 체결한 바 있는 피고들 담당직원 이동철에게 항의하여 '120,000,000원의 수준에서 운영할 것을 약속한다.'는 내용의 확약서를 교부받은 사실, 이동윤과 피고들은 이동윤의 하림주류에 대한 위탁경영이 종료될 무렵 그 때까지 하림주류가 부담하고 있던 채무 118,886,230원을 30개월에 걸쳐 무이자로 상환하기로 약정하고 이에 따라 하림주류가 아닌 원고, 이동윤, 이동석이 위탁경영이 종료된 후인 2002. 7.경부터 2003. 5.경까지 매달 장기지원방식의 취지에 따라 피고들에게 변제를 해 온 사실, 피고들은 2003. 6. 13.경 이 사건 부동산에 대하여 임의경매신청을 하였다가 원고가 위 상환약정에 따른 채무를 조기에 전액 변제할 것을 약속하고 실제로 이동석이 2003. 6. 30. 30,000,000원을 변제하자 2003. 7. 4. 이를 취하하였고, 이동석은 2003. 7. 31. 나머지 채무 45,886,230원을 모두 변제한 사실, 그 후 원고 등은 피고들에게 위 상환약정에 따른 의무를 모두 이행하였으니 이 사건 근저당권을 말소해 달라고 요구하였으나 피고들은 이동윤의 위탁경영종료 후 하림주류에 공급하였던 주류대금까지 모두 변제하여야 한다고 하면서 위 말소요구를 거절하는 대신 앞서 본 바와 같이 이 사건 근저당권의 채권최고액만을 50,000,000원으로 변경해 준 사실 등이 인정되는바, 여기에 비록 이 사건 근저당권설정계약서상의 주채무자가 이동윤이 아닌 하림주류로 되어 있기는 하나 이는 이동윤이 주류취급면허가 없는 관계로 하림주류의 명의만을 빌려서 피고들과 거래한 것으로 보이는 점, 피고들 또한 이동윤이 하림주류를 위탁경영하였던 사실 및 이 사건 부동산이 이동윤의 위탁경영상의 필요로 인해 피고들에게 새로이 담보제공되었다는 사실을 알고 있었던 것으로 보이는 점, 이 사건 근저당권을 설정하기 이전의 피고들에 대한 하림주류의 미수금 채무가 5,400,000원 정도에 불과하여 특별히 하림주류가 피고들에게 물적 담보를 제공하여야 할 상황이었다고 볼 수 없는 점 등을 종합하면, 비록 이 사건 근저당권설정계약서에 피담보채무의 범위를 하림주류가 180,000,000원의 범위 내에서 피고들에 대하여 현재 부담하고 있거나 장래 부담하게 될 모든 채무를 포함하는 것으로 기재하였다 하더라도 위 계약서의 기재는 인쇄된 예문에 불과하다고 봄이 경험칙에 합당하고 당사자인 원고와 피고들의 의사는 이 사건 근저당권의 피담보채무의 범위를 채권최고액 120,000,000원의 한도 내에서 이동윤이 하림주류를 위탁경영하는 동안 피고들에게 부담하게 될 주류대금채무에 한정한 것이라고 해석함이 상당하므로, 이동윤이 하림주류의 위탁경영을 종료한 이후인 2002. 7.경부터 하림주류가 피고들에게 부담한 채무는 이 사건 근저당권의 피담보채무에 포함되지 않는 것으로 볼 것이고, 이 사건 근저당권의 기초가 되는 계속적 계약관계인 이동윤과 피고들 간의 주류공급계약은 이동윤이 하림주류에 대한 위탁경영을 종료한 2002. 6. 말경 함께 종료되어 이 사건 근저당권의 피담보채무는 그 때까지 이동윤이 피고들에게 부담하고 있던 118,886,230원으로 확정된 것으로 볼 것인바, 그렇다면 이 사건 근저당권의 피담보채무는 앞서 본 바와 같은 내역으로 전액 변제되어 소멸하였다고 할 것이므로 피고들은 원고에게 이 사건 부동산에 관하여 마쳐진 이 사건 근저당권설정등기의 말소등기절차를 이행할 의무가 있다(피고들의 담당직원인 이동철은 원고에게 위 확약서를 작성해 준 바 있고, 원고와 피고들은 이동윤이 하림주류에 대한 위탁경영을 종료한 직후 그 때까지 하림주류가 피고들에게 부담하고 있던 채무를 확정하여 30개월에 걸쳐 이를 분할상환하기로 약정하였으며, 원고와 이동윤 등은 그 채무를 변제하면 이 사건 근저당권이 말소될 수 있을 것으로 신뢰하고 위 약정에 따라 성실하게 피고들에게 이를 상환하였음에도 불구하고, 위탁경영이 종료한 후 하림주류나 피고들의 담당자가 변경되었음을 기화로 원고나 이동윤과는 전혀 무관하게 피고들이 하림주류에 공급한 주류대금까지 이 사건 근저당권의 피담보채무에 포함되어야 한다는 피고들의 주장은 신의칙에도 어긋난다).

3. Conclusion

Therefore, the plaintiff's claim of this case is accepted on the grounds of its reasoning, and the judgment of the court of first instance, which concluded otherwise, is unfair, and it is so revoked, and it is so decided as per Disposition by ordering the defendants to implement the procedure for cancellation of registration of the establishment of a mortgage of this case.

Judges Park Jin-hee (Presiding Judge)