(영문) 대구지방법원 2015.02.06 2014가단42667



1. The Defendants shall jointly and severally pay to the Plaintiff KRW 30,000,000 and KRW 600,000 per month from August 31, 2009 to the day of full payment.


1. On August 3, 2009, Defendant B agreed to pay interest at KRW 600,000 per month by borrowing KRW 30 million from the Plaintiff on August 31, 2009, setting the due date for payment from the Plaintiff on August 31, 2009. Defendant C jointly and severally guaranteed the Defendant B’s above obligation, so the Defendants are jointly and severally liable to pay the principal and interest of the loan to the Plaintiff.

2. Based on Defendant B: Judgment by public notice (Article 208 (3) 3 of the Civil Procedure Act): Defendant C by constructive confession (Article 208 (3) 2 of the Civil Procedure Act).