(영문) 광주지방법원 2016.01.22 2015가합52499



1. The Defendant’s KRW 101,967,048 for the Plaintiff and 6% per annum from October 11, 2013 to September 30, 2014.


1. Basic facts

A. The Plaintiff, who is an insurer operating non-life insurance, etc., concluded each insurance contract between the Defendant and the insured and the surviving beneficiaries, etc. (hereinafter “each insurance contract of this case”) by setting up a sequence 11 to 15 attached Table 2, stating that the Defendant covers expenses for disease, hospitalization, etc. (hereinafter “each insurance contract of this case”).

B. The Defendant paid the Plaintiff’s insurance proceeds from March 23, 2009 to April 11, 2009: (a) hospitalized 20 days in B hospital due to brain dead, etc.; and (b) hospitalized 620 days in total on the ground that he/she had been infected with the crypitis, conical signboard escape certificate, and father-training life (hereinafter “instant accident”); and (c) received insurance proceeds from the Plaintiff to October 10, 2013 in total from August 18, 2008 to October 10, 2013 in accordance with each of the instant insurance contracts.

<표 1> (단위 원) 순번 사고일자 사고 내용 치료기간 입원 일수 병원명 진단명 (질병코드) 1 2009-03-22 자전거에서 넘어짐(상해) 2009-03-23 2009-04-11 20 B병원 뇌진탕 우주관절부염좌 2 2009-07-14 치질 (질병) 2009-07-14 2009-07-20 7 C외과 내치질(I84.2) 3 2009-09-17 교통 사고 (상해) 2009-09-17 2009-10-10 24 D한방병원 목뼈의염좌(S134) 4 2009-10-13 2009-12-09 58 E한방병원 5 2009-10-26 뜸치료중화상 (상해) 2009-10-26 2009-10-26 0 E병원 몸통의 2도화상(T212) 6 2010-06-01 갯바위에서 미끄러짐(상해) 2009-08-29 2009-09-14 15 D한방병원 허리뼈의 염좌(S335) 7 2010-07-14 공사장에서 넘어짐(상해) 2010-07-15 2010-07-28 14 F의원 8 2010-08-30 2010-09-16 18 G한방병원 9 2010-12-21 2011-01-07 18 H 한방병원 기타어깨병터 (M758) 10 2011-06-25 허리통증 (질병) 2011-06-25 2011-07-15 21 H병원 요추염좌 (M545) 11 2011-09-21 2011-10-11 21 I한방병원 척추증 (M472) 12 2011-11-01 2011-11-14 14 J병원 추간판탈출증 (M519) 13 2011-11-28 부신 양성신생물 (질병) 2011-11-28 2011-12-03 6 조선대병원 부신 양성신생물 (D350) 14 2011...