(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2016.06.03 2016고합178



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

A person who applies for a medical care and custody shall be punished.


Criminal facts

On January 28, 2015, the Seoul Central District Court sentenced the Defendant to eight months of imprisonment for the purpose of fraud and attack, and completed the execution of the above sentence on July 26, 2015.

[2] Criminal facts: “A person who has been suffering from severe pulmonary accidents and severe tragical injuries, etc., and whose ability to make a decision has been deteriorated due to the above increase in the capacity to make a decision due to the above increase in the capacity to do so, 2016 Gohap 178.”

1. On July 31, 2015, from around 20:53 to around 02:03, the following day, the victim D (V, 49 years old) of the victim D (V) on the second floor in Gangnam-gu Seoul, Gangnam-gu, and the second floor, the “E”, without any reason, brought a beer fright, which was cited in the state of drinking at the customer’s seat, and the other customers are called as “a request for tobacco,” coming to a time, while the other customers are called as “a request for tobacco,” and the flabing of spits on the floor, thereby obstructing the victim’s main duty of operation by force.

2. Around October 26, 2015, the victim H (51 years old) was followed by the victim H (500c c 9 years old), who had no intention or ability to pay the drinking value because of the lack of money in the water at a time and at a place like Paragraph 1, and could pay the drinking value despite the absence of an intention or ability to pay the drinking value, by deceiving the victim as a sum of KRW 27,000,00 from the injured party by ordering beer D, and by deceiving the victim, he was provided with alcohol equivalent to the sum of KRW 27,00,00,00 from the injured party, and around October 26, 2015, 201:30, the victim’s H (51 years old) to move out of the “G main store located in the Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government, Gangnam-gu, Seoul.

[Fact of the cause of the claim for the care and custody of the Defendant] The Defendant committed a crime corresponding to imprisonment without prison labor or heavier, and needs to receive treatment at the treatment and custody facility.