(영문) 수원지방법원 2020.06.11 2020고단1949



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for up to six months.

Seized evidence 1 and 2 shall be confiscated, respectively.

The defendant shall be an applicant for compensation.


Punishment of the crime

1. The crime organization of a telecommunications-based financial fraud (one-name “scaming”), which operates a call center and a web site, receives a “total book” in charge of organic communications among organizations inside the organization, or collects money from the account holder’s account or a check card to be used for the crime of Boscing, or solicits an Internet job-seeking site to connect the management book to the collection book by providing specific criminal acts, such as collecting and re-delivery of the damaged amount to the “management book”, “collection book”, and “collection book”, “collection book”, “collection book”, “collection book”, “collection book”, “collection book”, “collection book”, etc., which is received from the victims to the designated account and connects them to the management book. In other words, the crime organization is composed of the “management book”, “management book”, “management book”, and “collection book”, which functionally manages the money to the investigation agency, employees of financial institutions, etc., or withdraw cash and deliver the money to the collection book.

On September 3, 2019, the Defendant contacted with B job seeking advertisements containing “G”, “AE”, etc., which was known to the Defendant through the conversation management books, including “G”, “AE”, etc., and, if other nameless attractings are misrepresented by investigative agencies, deceiving the victim, and have the victim withdraw cash and have the victim go to a designated place, the Defendant, upon presenting a forged public document under the name of the Chairman of the Financial Services Commission, who was prepared in advance, as he/she was an employee of the Financial Services Commission, play a role in “collection”, which was sent by the victim to the designated account, excluding the rest of the amount of compensation, by receiving cash from the victim, as he/she was an employee of the Financial Services Commission.