(영문) 전주지방법원 2017.04.20 2015고정437




A shall be punished by a fine for negligence of KRW 1,500,000, and by a fine of KRW 4,000,000.

The Defendants respectively.


Punishment of the crime


A is a person engaged in construction business, and Defendant B is a person who was the representative director of D Co., Ltd., and E is a person with no certain occupation.

Defendants and E, on October 2008, did not have an intention or ability to change not only the intent or ability to allow the construction even if they receive money from the victim F, but also the fact in the non-exclusive restaurant located in Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Seoul. However, Defendant B, “the golf course construction work has been made” to the victim F.

Defendant A refers to “A”, and Defendant A may allow subcontracting construction if it is well required to construct a golf course in D.

The phrase “as if you were to perform the subcontracted construction,” and the victim was willing to acquire money from the victim.

Defendants and E, in collusion, in the H Office of the Victim Operation Co., Ltd. located in Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Gwangju on December 2009, Defendant A, “A may order the victim to carry out the construction of the waste reclamation site in Jeju-gu, Seo-gu, Seoul-gu, Seoul-gu, and the blasting construction will be leased KRW 100 million to the victim. The construction cost is currently necessary to pay money. If the Defendants and E lend money to the victim, they will give a subcontract for the blasting construction and make a repayment for the borrowed money.

Defendant B is called “,” and Defendant B is to lend money to the victim by telephone with the victim “I am not able to know about the Do,” and to have the victim repaid.

In addition, money is changed to E’s account; “E will be a well-known construction by informing the victim of the bank account number by telephone on January 4, 2010.”

By making a false statement, “D........”, it received 70 million won from the injured party to the national bank account in the name of E on January 5, 2010 from the third party and acquired it through money borrowed.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement made by the witness F in the fourth public trial record;

1. Part of each prosecutorial protocol (including E and F statements) against the Defendants is included in the suspect interrogation protocol.