(영문) 인천지방법원 2019.10.18 2019고합447



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

On January 3, 2019, at around 00:50, the Defendant came to talk with the victim B (the name, the 44 years old) that was known by the introduction of the land manager around 00:50 on the following day: (a) the Defendant heard the Defendant’s Belgium that he was parked on the front road of the apartment of the victim, and “to enter as soon as possible” from the victim; (b) the Defendant “I will ignore why you would see why you would, I am to do so,” and (c) the Defendant got the victim into the Incheon Yeonsu-gu D vacant by driving the said car.

At around 01:20 on the same day, the Defendant took the victim's cell phone from the defect victim's cell phone in order to report it to 112 with the victim's cell phone, and the victim took the vehicle according to the victim's driver's vehicle, and stated in the indictment that "after taking the victim's cell phone from the vehicle, she took the victim's cell phone from the vehicle, she took the victim's cell phone from the vehicle, and she took the victim's cell phone from the vehicle." However, according to the police's statement statement (victim) of the B (Ga name), according to the police's statement of the victim's cell phone, the defendant was found to have taken the victim's cell phone from the vehicle and taken the victim's cell phone from the vehicle without taking the victim's cell phone from the vehicle and brought the victim with the victim's force. Even if this part of the charges were corrected as above, it appears that the defendant did not cause any substantial disadvantage to

The victims were hickly unable to move from the school, and they were faced with the victims.

The defendant continued to use the victim as a car, and then divided the victim into the victim's body behind him/her, and tried to re-enter the victim after suppressing his/her resistance. However, when the victim gets injured and refuses to return the dog, the defendant left the chest by hand on several occasions, and knife the chest of the victim, and knife the chest and knife on the part of the victim.

This is against the victim.