(영문) 서울고등법원 2018.05.31 2017나2041086



1. Defendant against Plaintiff A and B who ordered payment in excess of the following amount among the judgment of the first instance.


1. Basic facts

가. 원고 A에 대한 수사 및 재판 경과 1) 원고 A은 G 일본에서 출생한 재일동포이다. 원고 A은 일본국 주쿄(中京)대학 영문과 2학년 재학 중이던 1974. 3.경 고려대학교 영문과에 편입하였다가 1975. 12. 고려대학교 영문과를 중퇴하고 다시 일본으로 건너가 일본에서 대학교를 졸업하고 1979. 6. 25. H단체 아이치현 동중지부 사무차장으로 취업하였다. 2) 원고 A은 H단체 아이치현 동중지부 사무차장으로 근무하던 중 1981. 10. 7. 관광 목적으로 한국에 입국하였다가 그 다음 날인 1981. 10. 8. 피고 산하 육군보안사령부(이하 ‘보안사’라 한다) 소속 수사관들에 의하여 국가보안법 위반 등 혐의로 영장 없이 강제 연행되었다.

3) After that, the investigators, who belong to the security officer, detained the Plaintiff A, without the warrant of a judge, until October 28, 1981, with the detention warrant issued on October 26, 1981, to the Plaintiff A, until the enforcement of the same year. The investigators belonging to the security officer forced the Plaintiff A to make a confession with the content that: (a) he/she was under an order issued by any anti-government organization member to visit the Republic of Korea to detect and collect national secrets; (b) during that process, he/she sought the said Plaintiff; (c) was unable to properly sleep; and (d) was sent the case related to the Plaintiff A to the prosecution on November 28, 1981; (d) at the time, the Plaintiff did not have received the assistance of counsel at the time of investigation; and (d) was released from the prosecutor’s office on December 12, 1981; and (e) was subject to cooperation with the prosecutor on December 19, 1982.

4. The investigator who belongs to the security officer finds in the Seoul detention center and the plaintiff A.
