(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.04.06 2016가합535543

창건주지위확인 등


1. The plaintiff's claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. A. Around February 25, 1993, on the ground of 1,091 square meters of MaDD (Death around February 25, 1993), a building, such as a law hall and a bond, (in the entirety of the registered matters: a mark on the entire registration matters: F wood tank F, Mazine 16.4 square meters per 26.4 square meter per 5 square meter, an affiliated building, a wooden Dozine 16.5 square meters per 5 square meter per previous Young-gun, Yongnam-gun, the “B company” was built to build a temple, and on February 24, 1973, the said temple registered as an inspection on the Defendant Buddhist M&I (hereinafter referred to as the “Defendant M&I”).

Defendant B (hereinafter “Defendant B”) had been appointed and continued to serve as a chief minister from February 24, 1973, while G was new on November 1, 1989. After G died on September 12, 1999, on January 9, 2001, H (the Plaintiff’s father, April 1, 2006) was new.

B. Around October 25, 1990, D donated the said temple building under his own name to Defendant B, and completed the registration of ownership transfer on November 6, 1990. D and I acquired the said forest land from April 25, 1975 and jointly owned it, and they completed the registration of ownership transfer in the future of Defendant B on December 13, 1990.

Article 4 (Construction and Registration) (1) The species of paper and believers of this species may be built in a temple.

(2) When a paper building a temple, registration shall be made to the end of the temple.

(3) Non-person who is not a paper map may construct a temple and register it in the final group.

(4) Procedures for the registration of temples shall be determined by the final rules.

Article 7 (Classification of Inspections) (1) The inspection of this kind shall be classified as follows according to historical history and creative research institute:

1. 종단공찰(宗團公刹) 가) 선조사 스님의 창건에 의해 역사적으로 전래된 전통사찰 나) 종단 소유의 구사지에 중창복원된 사찰로 1954년 법란 이전부터 전래된 사찰 다) 종단(총무원, 종무원, 기타 종무기관)에서 종단재원으로 건립된 사찰 라) 종도가 사찰을 창건하여(사찰재산이) 종단(종무기관 또는 종단소속법인)으로 증여된 사찰로...