(영문) 창원지방법원 마산지원 2014.07.16 2013고단145



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

except that the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, on September 2, 2009, was installed in the main state office of the Defendant’s operation (State office) located in Sinnam-gun, and was located in Sinnam-gun on September 2, 2009 with a maximum demand power management device, even if the Defendant had no intent or ability to obtain a normal loan from a financial institution from the financial institution and pay the price. However, the Defendant was installed with a maximum demand management device equivalent to 22 million won for the installation of D factory on October 1, 2009 by deceiving the victim as if he would receive a normal loan from the financial institution and pay the price.

"2013 Highest 744"

1. Around September 13, 2010, the Defendant forged securities forged or falsified securities serial number “F” with a bill number “F”, the due date of payment “F”, “21,209,000 won” with a colored seal on the second page of a promissory note number, which is located in H new construction site located in G, Gyeong-gun, Gyeong-gun, with a view to exercising rights and obligations. The Defendant, who forged or falsified securities serial number “F” with a seal affixed to “K” with a name attached thereto, and forged an endorsement under the name of M, which is written in the name of the holder of the securities, stating the rights and obligations of the holder of the promissory note, and exercised the right and obligations of the holder of N, Inc., with a view to using the forged bill number “F”, “F” with a view to using the forged bill number 30,000 won and the subsequent bill number 10,000 won and the subsequent bill number 10,010,000 won.