(영문) 대구지방법원경주지원 2020.01.08 2018가단11667



1. The Plaintiff: (a) 311m2 at the time of racing:

A. Defendant C, B, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N,O, P, Q, and R respectively.


1. The description of the claim is as shown in attached Form 2. The grounds for the claim and in attached Form 2.

2. Defendant C and R based on recognition: Judgment by public notice (Article 208(3)3 of the Civil Procedure Act) (Article 208(3) of the Civil Procedure Act). The remainder of the Defendants except the said Defendants: by deeming confession (Articles 208(3)2 and 150(3) and (1) of the Civil Procedure Act).

3. Considering various circumstances, such as the process of filing the instant lawsuit and the fact that there is no defendant disputing the Plaintiff’s claim, it is deemed fair to bear the litigation costs individually.