(영문) 광주지방법원 해남지원 2013.03.06 2012고정146




A KRW 4,000,000, Defendant B’s fine of KRW 4,000,000, and Defendant C’s fine of KRW 3,000,00.


Punishment of the crime

[Defendant A, B, C, and D]

1. Notwithstanding the fact that the fishery right cannot be the object of the lease, Defendant A leased one (50,000,000 won and one (50,000,000 won and two million,00,000 won per year, from September 10, 201 to September 9, 201, among the right to engage in the combined fish farming (license I) of the G G branch line in the same Eup/Myeon branch line in the Republic of Korea (hereinafter “H fishing village fraternity”), Defendant A leased one (50,000,000 won and one (2,000,000,000 won per annum).

2. Defendant B, as stated in the preceding paragraph, leased a fishery right from Defendant A without obtaining a fishery license, and carried on the sea of 50 meters from September 10, 201 to September 9, 201, in the direction of installing 800 meters in front of Dodo G (multimodal fish farming license I) sea (one m) (one m).

3. From September 1, 200 to September 30, 2012, Defendant C leased two (40%) one (50,000,000,000 won annually from September 1, 200 to September 30, 2012 to Defendant D with the exercise contract from H fishing village fraternity among the right to engage in the composite fish farming of G branch lines (license I) in front of the same Eup/Myeonn-gun-gun-gun-gunon-gun, J. Do.

4. Defendant D, without obtaining a fishery license, leased the fishery right from Defendant C as stated in the preceding paragraph, and run the business of cultivating seaweeds, such as salvines and horses, by installing facilities of 40 books from 800 meters away from 1 September 1, 2009 to 30 September 30, 2012, in front of Dondo G 800 meters (multimodal fish farming license I) sea (2ha).

[Defendant B, D]

1. Defendant B, without obtaining a fishery license, leased the fishery right from K, L, M, etc. and run the business of cultivating shellfish in a way of installing a balwing-type facility at the sea of 300 meters (N on the multimodal farming license) in front of the Donam-do G from January 1, 2008 to January 1, 2013 (N on the multimodal farming license).

2. Defendant D leases a fishery right from K, L, M, etc. without obtaining a fishery license, with the leased fishery right from K, L, etc. to 300 meters (N2h) in front of Jindo G from January 1, 2008 to January 1, 2013.