(영문) 인천지방법원 2015.08.26 2014가단9198



1. The Defendant: (a) KRW 30,000,000 for the Plaintiff and 5% per annum from February 26, 2014 to August 26, 2015.


In light of the above legal principles, the court below erred by misapprehending the legal principles as to “the instant contract”

The main contents of this chapter are as follows:

The First Contract

3. The period of delegation management shall be three years from May 1, 201 to April 30, 201, and such period may be extended by up to three years once.

However, the delegation period may not exceed six years and consult about the sale of property rights to a private teaching institute after six years, and if the consultation is known, the plaintiff shall recover the management right and operate the private teaching institute in this case.

However, at this time, the defendant shall leave the injury, and the defendant shall not receive the deposit amount of KRW 50 million paid to the plaintiff when he establishes another private teaching institute or operates an excessive bank after taking over the management know-how of the private teaching institute in China, which the plaintiff known to him, and the defendant shall be liable to compensate for the 100 million won separately.

4. The right of the representative manager (the defendant's right) 1) security deposit 50 million won is provided to the plaintiff and the defendant who will manage the private teaching institute is entrusted with the overall authority of the president. * The defendant shall, on behalf of the principal of the private teaching institute, seek advice from the plaintiff if the decision made on behalf of the principal, on behalf of the principal and other private teaching institutes, the right to contact with the parents and other private teaching institutes and those related to the principal, and driving specialists, Chinese employees, the right to employ and dismiss Korean and foreign students, and the overall accounts and administration of the private teaching institute, and the right to control the material of the private teaching institute: Provided, That if the decision made on behalf of the principal and the principal and the principal and the principal and the principal and the principal of the private teaching institute may have a big impact on the management and the existence

At this time, the plaintiff's property rights and personnel rights shall be determined as the defendant's authority.

2) The Defendant has the right to acquire from the Plaintiff a half of the monthly income generated in the course of running a private teaching institute. 5. The Defendant, the representative manager (the Defendant’s duty)’s duty to act on behalf of the Plaintiff, must make an interim accounting report on the 20th of each month to the Defendant (the Plaintiff appears to be a clerical error of the Plaintiff’s “Plaintiff”), and is late.