(영문) 인천지방법원 2014.06.26 2014고단1359



Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment without prison labor for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date of the final judgment.


Punishment of the crime

(A)The Defendant is a person engaged in C urban bus driving service.

On December 2, 2013, the Defendant driven the above vehicle on December 11:39, 2013, and had the 83.7km parallel from the Busan metropolitan line to the Seoul metropolitan area.

Since there is a road in which the central separation cost is installed, all drivers of vehicles have the duty of care to safely pass along the right side of the central separation zone.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected to drive a stroke, and the left-hand side of the victim D(34 years old) drive beyond the center separation zone on the right-hand side of the course, and shocked the left-hand side part of the victim D(34 years old) driving in the opposite part into the front part of the Defendant's bus, shocked the left-hand side part of the victim FF(44 years old) driving in the opposite part into the front part of the Defendant's vehicle, and shocked the front part of the H(38 years old) driving in the opposite part into the front part of the Defendant's vehicle, and the damaged central separation unit shocked into the front side of the Defendant's vehicle.

The Defendant, by its occupational negligence, suffered injury to the above victim D, such as brain dead, etc. requiring medical treatment for about three weeks, injury to the victim L (n, 35 years of age) of the same franchisium and tensions, etc. of the franchisium that require medical treatment for about two weeks; injury to the victim M (n, 1 years of age) of the same franchisium in need of medical treatment for about two weeks; injury to the franchisium and tension in the franchisium requiring medical treatment for about two weeks; injury to the above victim H, such as salt and tension in the flachisium in need of medical treatment for about two weeks; and injury to the victim N (n, 33 years of age), who is the passenger, to the franchisium in need of medical treatment for about six weeks.

In addition, the defendant is negligent in the above occupational negligence.