(영문) 광주지방법원 2015.06.18 2014고단4493



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and four months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date of the final judgment.


Punishment of the crime

1. [Attachment 2014 Highest 4493] The defendant is a person engaging in driving a three-dimensional motor vehicle. The defendant is a person engaging in driving a three-dimensional motor vehicle.

On August 13, 2014, the Defendant, while under the influence of alcohol of 0.142% of blood alcohol concentration on August 21, 2014, proceeded with the first line road of the bus stop in the north-gu Seoul Metropolitan City, 92, the second line of the bus stop in front of the bus stop in the north-gu, Seoul Metropolitan City, the second line of the two cancer apartment room in the two cancer apartment room.

At night and near the bus platform located on the front of the bus platform, E urban bus driven by the victim D (manam, 50 years old) was stopped. Following the bus bus, the passenger car driven by the victim F (ma, South and 42 years old) was stopped, the passenger car driven by the victim H (V, 49 years old) was stopped, and the passenger car was stopped by the victim H (V, 49 years old). After that, the passenger car was stopped by the proxy driver J (ma, South and 49 years old). Accordingly, the passenger was at the duty of care to reduce speed and safely drive the side and the left side and left side.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected to do so and neglected his duty at all times such as confirmation of cell phones while driving a vehicle on the front, and continued to drive the vehicle on the front part of the said vehicle in front of the said vehicle in front, and concealed the vehicle in front of the said vehicle in front. For this reason, the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front. The vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front. The vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front.

The Defendant, due to the above occupational negligence, inflicted injury on the victim J, such as salt, tensions, etc. in need of medical treatment for about two weeks, and inflicted injury on the victim H, which requires approximately two weeks of medical treatment, on the ground that the Defendant driven by the said H, and was accompanied by the said car.