(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.06.13 2018고정2241



The Defendant is not guilty. The summary of the judgment of this case is publicly notified.


1. The summary of the facts charged is the operator of marina business called C in the third floor of the building B in Gwanak-gu in Seoul Special Metropolitan City.

No person, other than a massage club, shall engage in massage activities, nor establish a massage clinic or massage parlor.

Nevertheless, from around December 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018, the Defendant established and operated a massage place, without obtaining the recognition of a massage club, which provides customers with a service “to alleviate the tension and help them recover from the scams by cutting down the scams, etc. on the guns of scamblings, etc.,” which is a service provider.

2. In light of the limitation of duties of the Marine under Article 2 of the Rules on Marine who is the judgment of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the operator of the massage procedure, the principle of massage procedure, the method of procedure, the method of procedure, the legislative purpose of the Medical Service Act, etc., the term "Marine" under the Medical Service Act shall be construed as "an act to the extent that it is performed to the extent that it is performed to the extent that "an act to the extent that the act is performed to the extent that the act is performed to the extent that the act is performed to the extent that the act is performed to the extent that the act is performed to the extent that the act is performed to the extent that the act is performed for the purpose of promoting the health of the people, or that the act is performed to the extent that it is performed to the extent that the act is performed to the extent that the act is performed to the extent that it is performed to the extent that the act is performed to the extent that it is performed to the extent that it is performed to the extent that the act is performed."

(See purport: Supreme Court Decision 2001Do1568 Delivered on June 1, 2001, etc.). According to the prosecutor’s presentation of outdoor advertising pictures, the screen data by cutting off the homepage, the defendant’s publicity of the program in operation at the business establishment, “shots guns, etc. guns, etc., cut the guns, etc., of the guns,” “string the guns, etc., of the guns,” “by completing the guns, etc. of the guns,” and “by completing the upper body’s body’s body’s part,” and “the body of a friendly bridge.”