(영문) 서울고법 1989. 3. 17. 선고 88나17643 제3민사부판결


Plaintiff, Appellant

Plaintiff 1 and two others

Defendant, appellant and appellant

Dong Life Insurance Corporation

Judgment of the lower court

Incheon District Court (87Gahap1652)


1. The original judgment shall be modified as follows:

2. The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff 1 and 2 an amount of 4,500,000 won, 3,000,000 won to the plaintiff 3, and an amount of 5% per annum from November 28, 1987 to March 17, 1989, and an amount of 25% per annum from the next day to the date of full payment. The plaintiff's remaining claims are dismissed.

4. The costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the defendant in both the first and second instances.

5. The above two paragraphs can be provisionally executed.

Purport of claim

The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff 1 and 2 an amount of KRW 4,50,000, KRW 3,000, KRW 300,000, and each of the above amounts to the plaintiff 3,000,000 per annum from July 28, 1987 to the date of adjudication, and the amount at the rate of KRW 25,00 per annum from the next day to the date of full payment.

The judgment that the lawsuit costs shall be borne by the defendant and provisional execution declaration.

Purport of appeal

The original judgment shall be revoked.

The plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

The costs of lawsuit are assessed against all of the plaintiffs in the first and second instances.


원고 1이 1986.6.25. 피고 동방생명보험주식회사(이하 피고회사라고만 한다)와 사이에 보험계약에 따라 위 원고의 남편인 망 소외 1을 피보험자로 하는 특별적립보험에 가입한 사실이 없고, 성립에 다툼이 없는 갑 제1호증의 1(호적등본), 같은 호증의 2(제적등본), 갑 제2호증(진단서, 그 작성자 및 내용에 있어 을 제4호증과 같다), 갑 제3호증의 1(청약철회안내서), 같은 호증의 2(계약청약서), 갑 제4증의 1,2(보험증권표지 및 내용), 갑 제5호증(보험료영수증), 갑 제6호증(목격자진술서, 을 제2호증과 같음), 을 제1호증의 1,2(각 특별적립보통보험약관)의 각 기재내용에 원심증인 소외 2, 소외 3, 당심증인 소외 4, 소외 5(각 뒤에 믿지않는 부분제외)들의 각 증언과 변론의 전취지를 종합하면, 원고 1이 가입한 이 사건 특별적립보험금의 주요내용은 가입자가 보험기간인 5년 동안 매월 금 89,100원씩의 보험료를 지급하여야 하고, 보험기간동안 피보험자에게 아무런 보험사고가 발생함이 없이 보험기간이 만료될 경우에는 피고회사가 가입자(이 경우의 보험수익자는 가입자로 되어 있다)에게 주보험금으로 금 6,000,000원을 지급하게 되며, 만일 피보험자가 보험기간내에 질병 또는 체질적 요인이 있는 자로서 경미한 외인에 의하여 발병하는 경우를 제외한 불의의 추락 기타 불의의 사고(과로 혹은 격렬한 운동으로 인한 경우도 제외)로 인하여 사망하게 되는 경우에는 피고회사가 피보험자의 상속인인 원고들(이 경우의 보험 수익자는 피보험자의 상속인들로 되어 있다)에게 특별보험금으로서 주보험금의 200퍼센트인 금 12,000,000원을 지급하도록 되어 있으며, 이 사건 보험계약의 효력은 피고회사가 가입자로부터 1회의 보험료를 수령하는 때로부터 발생하게 되는 사실, 원고 1은 이 사건 보험계약을 체결한 후 위 망인의 사망무렵인 1987.7.까지 14회에 걸쳐 월보험료를 차질없이 납입해 온 사실, 그런데 평소에 이렇다 할 질병없이 건장했던 위 소외 망인은 1987.7.27. 아침 전날밤에 내린 폭우로 집 앞 하수도가 범람하자 비가 잠시 멎은 틈을 이용하여 맨발에 슬리퍼를 신고 집 앞 하수도 옆 계단에 올라서서 물구경을 하다가 넘어지면서 머리를 세멘트 바닥에 부딪쳐 안면부열창, 치아파절, 뇌지주막하출혈 및 뇌실내출혈 등의 상해를 입고 인근병원에 후송 입원치료를 받았으나 이튿날 10:00경 뇌지주막하출혈 등에 의한 뇌부종이 직접사인이 되어 사망한 사실, 원고 1은 위 망인의 처이고, 원고 2는 호주였던 위 망인의 장남, 원고 3은, 장녀인 사실을 각 인정할 수 있고 위 사고로 말미암아 위 망인에게 안면부열창 등 외상이 있었음을 발견할 수 없다는 취지의 을 제5호증(진료확인서)의 일부 기재는 위에서 본 다른 증거에 비추어 믿기 어렵고 달리 반증이 없다.

The defendant defense that the deceased non-party 1's cause of death falls under the case of death caused by an unforeseen accident as stipulated in the insurance contract of this case since it constitutes death caused by the deceased non-party 1's death. Thus, the testimony of non-party 2 and non-party 4 of the court below as seen the above deceased's cause of death is hard to believe in light of the testimony of non-party 5 of the witness non-party 5 of the court below, and the statement of non-party 7 evidence cannot be readily concluded that the deceased non-party 1's cause of death is a disease. However, according to the testimony of the above non-party 5 of the witness non-party 1, the brain side caused by the deceased non-party 1's death is generally a cause of brain ties and 50 to 70 percent, and in this case, the above non-party 1 was a cause of death again caused by the accident of this case, and thus, it cannot be concluded that the death rate of the deceased non-party 1 can not be concluded as a cause of death.

Ultimately, the deceased non-party 1, who was the deceased's heir, is obligated to pay 12,00,000 won of special insurance money at the time of death in accordance with the insurance contract of this case to the plaintiffs who were the deceased's heir in accordance with the purport and purport of the above general death insurance money of this case (including premium 48,788 won) under the insurance contract of this case, but the defendant intended to pay to the plaintiffs the above plaintiffs the amount of money of KRW 2,48,788 (including premium 48,788 won) under the insurance contract of this case, because there is no evidence to conclude that the cause of death was caused by illness, physical injury, or other accidents. Thus, since it was refused to receive the money and there is no other reason to conclude that the plaintiffs deposited it with the above money, the defendant company's liability for receiving the money of this case can not be asserted by the above non-party 1 without any dispute over the purport and purport of the above general death insurance money of this case.

Therefore, according to the plaintiffs' respective statutory shares, the defendant is obligated to pay damages for delay of 4,50,000 won (12,000,000 x 3/8), 3,000,000 won (12,000,000 x 2/8) to the plaintiff 3 according to the plaintiffs' respective statutory shares, and from November 28, 1987 to the date following the delivery of the complaint of this case, it is evident that it is the day following the original decision of this case, the civil interest rate of 5% per annum (the provisions of Article 3 (1) of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Promotion, etc. of Legal Proceedings, etc. shall not apply to the existence or scope of the debt of this case until the date of the original decision, and therefore, the plaintiffs' claims are reasonable within the scope of recognition, and there is no reason to dismiss part of the plaintiff's damages for delay as to the plaintiff's damages for delay. Thus, the defendant's order of Article 29 of the Civil Procedure Act shall be amended.

Judges Choi Han-ro (Presiding Judge)