(영문) 서울고등법원 2013.12.27 2013노2392



The judgment below

The remainder of the compensation order, excluding the compensation order, shall be reversed.

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for eight years.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

가. 사실오인 ⑴ 피고인: 원심판결 중 유죄부분에 대하여 ㈎ BK 관련 사기 범행(원심 판시 범죄사실 제1항) 피고인은 BM을 사칭하여 공소사실 기재와 같이 이 부분 사기 범행을 저지른 사실이 없다.

The Defendant only exchanged BN as a day irrelevant to the instant case.

In light of the AD access records used by BM, the details of the AD access to the period during which the defendant was not in Korea are confirmed during which the defendant was not in Korea.

BN’s statement is merely a case where the defendant was identified as BM in order to avoid being punished in light of his status and interest.

㈏ BS 관련 사기 범행(원심 판시 범죄사실 제2항) 피고인은 BU을 사칭하여 공소사실 기재와 같이 이 부분 사기 범행을 저지른 사실이 없다.

BT and X, with the knowledge that the BS site is abnormal, have been actively involved in the crime of fraud, and there is a high possibility that the defendant had made a false statement in order to transfer his responsibility to the defendant. Therefore, there is no credibility of the statement.

Even in the relevant record, there is only the fact that the defendant is detained.

Nevertheless, the judgment of the court below that accepted the unilateral statement of BX and that the defendant and BU are the same person is erroneous.

㈐ CB, CC 관련 사기 범행(원심 판시 범죄사실 제3항) 피고인은 CE을 사칭하여 공소사실 기재와 같이 이 부분 사기 범행을 저지른 사실이 없다.

The recording containing a conversation between the defendant and CD was merely requested by the defendant to the effect that the defendant merely expresses his/her existence. Accordingly, the defendant cannot be viewed as the same person as the CE.

It seems that CE is a location map of Internet telephone used for the conversations with CDs in Korea.

EV and EX are the original judgment.