(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2015.04.22 2015고단77



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for one year from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. Around August 24, 2014, around 02:06, the Defendant and the upper-tier Defendant D and the Defendant D of the Act on the Punishment of Violences, etc. (joint assault of the Defendant and the upper-tier Defendant D, and around 02:06, the Defendant came from the Horseurur of the victim G (the age of 63) located in the Seoul Northernbuk-gu, Seoul (the age of 63). However, the victim asked the victim for the room, but the victim did not have any room after receiving the reservation.

Accordingly, the defendant D was shaking the head and head of the above victim, and the defendant A and the defendant E were satisfing the face of the victim by drinking. The defendant was satisfing the head and head of the victim, and the head and head of the victim were satfing the victim's head and head.

In addition, the defendant A and the defendant D met the breath of the victim I (the age of 46) who was an employee of the above Moel. The defendant A and the defendant E met the parts of the above victim's back to the hand.


In addition, the defendant D and E jointly committed violence to the victims.

2. The defendant D, at the same time, at the same place as the preceding paragraph, and at the same time and place, the police officer of the Seoul Gangseo-gu Police Station, who was called upon 112 reported, tried to assault G continuously when he listened to the circumstances of the case from the above G and I, and assaulted the above K’s face and head at the hand of the person who was boomed by the above K, such as: (a) gathering of theless electricity that was suffering from the above L’s shoulder, and taking the face of L with his hand, etc.


A assaulted the police officers in order to arrest the above defendant D, such as putting the clothes of defective L, tightly shouldering them by hand, cutting them with k's clothes, cutting them down with k's clothes, pushing them down with k's fingers, and assaulted the above defendant D by combining it with k's hand.


And the above defendant D are the defendants.