205 Gaz. 11254 Damages (Definition)
1. ○○;
2. Periodical;
3. Maternum;
Omission of Plaintiffs’ Address
Plaintiff 3’s parental ○○○, Matern○○○○
Incorporated Foundation
Address omitted
Representative President OC
Attorney ○-○, et al.
April 26, 2006
May 24, 2006
1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.
B. In the case of the plaintiff Lee So-young and Jung-young, the defendant of Cheong-young shall pay 84,678,604 won each to the plaintiff Lee So-young, the amount of 1,00,000 won per annum from March 22, 2005 to the date of the judgment of this case, and 20% per annum from the next day to the date of full payment.
1. Basic facts
The following facts are not disputed between the parties, or are recognized by Gap evidence Nos. 1 through 3, 6 through 9, 12 (including family numbers), Eul evidence Nos. 1, 2, 5, and 7 (including family numbers), and the result of the court's entrustment to the president of the Korean Medical Association of this Court for the examination of the medical records and the purport of the whole arguments in relation to the fact-finding to the president of the Korean Medical Association of this Court.
A. The details of the Plaintiff’s death, birth, and newborn baby’s death
(1) On November 2, 2002, at the O hospital operated by the Defendant (hereinafter, “the Defendant hospital”) the Plaintiff had given birth to her sonum. Then, the Plaintiff’s her her sonum was pregnant from August 2, 2004 to March 19, 2005 at the Defendant hospital’s hospital’s her son’s hospital’s her sonum’s sonum’s sonum’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s sonum’s son’s sonum’s son’s sonum was conducted once a month from August 2, 2004 (one month after her son’s son’s son’s son’
(2) Around 16:00 on March 20, 2005, the Plaintiff Jeong-○ moved to the delivery room. Around 20:00 on the same day, the Defendant Hospital did not have the Plaintiff Jeong-○○○’s self-fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluorial fluor, and on the same day, the Defendant Hospital fluor fluor fluor f
(3) 피고 병원 소속 산부인과 의사 김○○은 원고 정○○에게 산통이 중단되고 분만이 더디게 진행되자, 2005. 3. 21. 04:00경 원고 정○○의 자궁수축 증강과 양수색 깔을 확인하기 위하여 양막절개술을 시행하였는데, 같은 날 04:30경 양수에 태변이 옅은 정도(thin greenish)로 착색되어 있는 것이 관찰되었고, 의사 최○○는 이를 원고 이○○에게 설명하면서 태아곤란증(Fetal distress)으로 인한 제왕절개술 가능성 및 출산 후 태변흡인증후군 가능성을 언급하였으며, 이즈음부터 태아심박률 검사를 계속 시행하였다. 위 김○○은 같은 날 06:00경 피고 소속 의사 유○○와 함께 위 정○○ 및 태아의 심박동 상태를 체크하였지만 이상한 점을 발견하지 못하였고, 이들은 같은 날 07:30경 산부인과 의국 초독공부를 위해 갔으며, 그 때부터 의사 한○○이 위 정○○와 태아의 상태를 담당하게 되었다.
(4) Around 08:00 on March 21, 2005, at around 08:0, ○○○○, a mountain part of the Defendant hospital, the medical doctor, and the Han○○○○, (a) performed the king operation on the ground that the king operation was conducted after explaining the necessity of the king operation to the Plaintiff ○○ and ○○○○, a self-fashion-fashion-fashion-fashion-fashion-fashion-fashion-fashion-fashshion-fashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(5) At around 08:10 on the same day, the Defendant Hospital performed the king operation with respect to the Plaintiff Mascopic surgery, and around 08:34 on the same day, and around 08:34 on the same day, the newborn was born, and the Apgrecopic score was also eight points. However, the said newborn was born from four minutes after the birth to the telegraph of the newborn, and there was no self-harmacopic disorder, and there was no scopic disorder, and around 08:39 on the same day when the situation, such as the becopic disorder, was turned back to the baby, and at the Defendant Hospital, at the Defendant hospital, the Mascopic care center for the Mascopicopicopic was transferred to the newborn baby at least 14:00 on the same day.
(6) From that point of view, around 12:00 on March 21, 2005, the Defendant’s hospital, the Plaintiff’s clinic, the doctor’s knife, and the knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife
(7) Therefore, the newborn baby was transferred to the emergency room of ○ University Hospital on March 21, 2005, and the hospital was treated by using the high frequency and artificial ventilation method and the oxygen (NO) gases for the treatment of the biopulmonary marcopic crymosis, but the said newborn baby was eventually killed in the respiratory part and the multi-long-term partic partic partic cryption due to the biopulmonary pulmonary crymosis on March 22, 2005, around 19:35.
B. Criminal complaint and result of the criminal complaint by the plaintiff Jung-○○
On January 20, 2006, the plaintiff Jeong-○ filed a complaint with the doctor's ○○, Kim○, and the largest ○○, etc. of the defendant hospital, and the Busan District Prosecutors' Office issued a non-prosecution on January 20, 2006.
(c) the Party’s status relationship;
The plaintiff Lee ○-○ and Cho Jong-○ are the parents of the deceased newborn baby as mentioned above, and the plaintiff Lee Man-tae is the son of the deceased newborn baby.
(d) Relevant medical knowledge;
(1) The dynamic color of the transfer of the balthale color and the balthal malthalthal malthal malthrosis is a view that can frequently be seen in pregnancy, and is observed at 12-22% of all the deliverys, and increased according to the progress of pregnancy. From among the pregnancy the transfer of which is colored on the balthal side, the balthal malthal malthral malthmama takes place at approximately 1-9%. In the case of the balthal malthalthal mar, there are many questions in predicting the balthal malthal and the balthalthal malthalthal malthral malthral malthrosis, and it is merely one person per 1,000, which directly affects the balthal malthal malthic death.
On the other hand, most of the mountain departments consider that the stremule color is a bad sign rather than the strede color of the longitude. In particular, when the stremule color of a fetus is accompanied by a reduction of the maturity and the decrease of short-term change, etc., it is deemed that the stremule of a fetus was inferior if there is a stremule of a fetus. In addition, it is hard to say that the stremule of a fetus was bad if there is a stremule of a stremule in the stremule and stremule, or a part of a stremule, if it is exposed to a low stremule oxygen, it is difficult to take over the stremule and stremule the stremule color into the stremule color, and it is hard to say that the stremule stremule stremule stree of a fetus would have been stremule and inhale it before it.
(2) In general, a difficult fetus’s difficult catus is being used in clinically broad and ambiguously. In light of the fact that the catus in the catus catus of a fetus is unable to exclude or trust the doubt about the military register of the fetus, it is diagnosed as a difficult catus when the catus in the catus of the fetus is unable to exclude or trust the doubt about the military register of the fetus. The diagnosis of a difficult catus is too simple because the catus is in accordance with the catus of the fetus’s heart catus, and it is impossible to confirm the degree of damage of the fetus. Even if the catal catus of the fetus appears unsaturd, it does not affect the fetus if the catal catus of the fetus appears very short and intermittently, and it appears when the catusal catus of the fetus appears together with various changes in the status of the fetus.
(3) Since the fetus heart rate is a fetus heart rate, and the fetus heart rate is not fixed and has a periodic change without a fixed rate, it mainly considers the amount of the ethropobbbboxe boat in the record book of the ethabbbbox-Jabricambling system to be visually applied to determine the basic heart impulse and the change.
The average heart rate of the fetus reduces following the growth of the fetus. This change is due to the mature maturity of the father and vice principal, and the average heart rate of the fetus increases by the assistant principal, and shows a quantity reduced by the assistant principal. In the third quarter of pregnancy, the average heart rate of the fetus is at least 120 times per minute and at least 160 times per minute. Meanwhile, the average heart rate of the fetus changes depending on the body of the pregnant woman. There is no significant significance in clinical terms, but it is possible to observe that at least 10 minutes of the fetus is at least 10 minutes of the fetus when the basic heart rate of the fetus is at least 120 times per minute, and at least 10 minutes of the fetus is at least 10 minutes of the fetus, at least 10 minutes of the fetus, and at least 10 minutes of the fetus is at least 18 minutes of the fetus, and at least 10 minutes of the fetus’s average heart rate is at least 10 minutes of the fetus.
2. The assertion and judgment
A. The plaintiffs' assertion
The plaintiffs claim that the defendant should be liable for damages to the plaintiffs as the parties to the medical contract with the plaintiff Jung-○ as a party to the medical treatment contract, and as the employer of the medical malpractice of the doctors under their jurisdiction, on the following grounds:
(1) On March 21, 2005, at around 04:30, when only the portion of Plaintiff Jeong Jong-○ was settled, there was a scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic.
(2) Although the mother, at the time of delivery of the Plaintiff 1, the mother, continuously measured the fetus’s heart and heart heart, such measures were not taken. Even around March 21, 2005, around the new wall removal, the above Plaintiff was negligent in neglecting the duty of care to observe the state of the fetus and the fetus continuously.
(3) Since the newborn baby of this case had an unborn disorder, in such a case, it is necessary to suspend the operation of the relevant system. However, around 08:00 on March 21, 2005, the Plaintiff Jeong Jong-○ was negligent by administering the relevant abdomination of the womb to force the quality of the relevant newborn baby.
(4) In a case where it is suspected that the fetus is difficult to prove, a medical examination shall be conducted in order to provide a pregnant woman with a oxygen by changing the physical part of the pregnant woman into the side and to verify whether the escape from the workplace and the part was imminent, and in spite of this method, the medical examination shall be conducted in order to check whether the pregnant woman was imprisoned.
(5) Since only the same measure, such as amperging, after the birth of the instant newborn baby, transferred approximately five hours to ○○ University Hospital, the said newborn baby was at fault of violating the duty to promptly transfer the said newborn baby to a higher medical institution.
B. Determination
(1) 원고들의 위 (1) 주장에 대하여 살피건대, 원고들은 2005. 3. 21. 04:30경 양수에 짙은 태변착색이 발견되었으므로 위 일시에 이미 태아곤란증이 의심되는 상태였다.고 주장하므로, 우선 위 일시에 짙은 태변착색이 있었는지에 관하여 살피건대, 갑제6호 증(의무기록사본) 중 4정의 일부 기재 및 갑제2호증의 1(의무기록사본) 중 61정의 기재에 의하면, 'NEONATAL HISTORY'라는 서류의 Doctor란에 '김○○', ARM 란에 '4:00 5. 3. 21, Color 및 Resuscitation 란에 각 'thick greenish'라고 적혀있는 사실, 수술후 통증 완화(P.C.A.) 시술청약서'라는 서류의 진단명에 'thick meconium'이라고 적혀있는 사실을 각 인정할 수 있으나, 한편 피고 소속 의사 김○○이 2005. 3. 21. 04:30경 양수에 태변이 옅은 정도(thin greenish)로 착색되어 있는 것을 관찰하고 환자기록지 (PATIENT PROGRESS)에 그와 같이 기재하였던 사실, 같은 날 08:00경부터 08:10경까지 사이에 원고 정00, 이00이 원고 정00의 제왕절개수술을 시행하는 것과 관련하여 위 ‘수술후 통증 완화(P.C.A.) 시술청약서'를 포함한 동의서를 작성한 사실, 'NEONATAL HISTORY'라는 서류에는 그 외에도 이 사건 신생아 출생시간, 체중, 아프가 스코어 등이 기재되어 있는 사실 등은 앞에서 인정한 바와 같거나 갑제2호증의 1(의무기록사본) 중 49정, 60 내지 62정의 각 기재, 갑제6호증(의무기록사본) 중 4정의 일부기재 및 변론의 전취지에 의하여 이를 인정할 수 있는데, 위 인정사실에 의하면 환자기록지(PATIENT PROGRESS)의 기재만이 2005. 3. 21. 04:30경에 양수 태변착색 관찰 직후에 바로 작성된 것으로 보이고, 수술후 통증 완화(P.C.A.) 시술청약서'는 같은 날 08:00경부터 08:10경에서야, 'NEONATAL HISTORY'라는 서류는 빨라야 이 사건 신생아의 출생시인 같은 날 08:34경 이후에야 비로소 각 작성된 것으로 보이는바, 결국 피고가 2005. 3. 21. 04:30경에는 옅은 정도(thin greenish)의 태변착색을 관찰하였다가 제왕절개술을 시행하기 직전에 짙은 태변착색(thick meconium)을 관찰하였다고 봄이 상당하므로, 위 갑제6호증(의무기록사본) 중 4정의 일부 기재 및 갑제2호증의 1(의무기 록사본) 중 61정의 기재만으로는 원고 주장과 같이 2005. 3. 21. 04:30경에 이미 짙은 태변 착색이 있었다는 사실을 인정하기에 부족하고 달리 이를 인정할 증거가 없다.
그렇다면 위와 같은 옅은 태변 착색만으로도 원고 주장 일시에 태아곤란증이 의심되는 상태에 있었다고 볼 수 있는지에 관하여 살피건대, 앞서 본 바와 같이 2005. 3. 21. 04:30경 양수에 옅은 태변 착색이 있었던 점은 인정할 수 있으나, 한편 중증 태변 착색이 만기태아심박동감소나 단기 변동성의 저하와 동반되었을 때 불량한 신생아 예후를 나타냈다고 보고되어 있는 등 특히 중증의 태변 착색이 있는 경우 태아의 예후가 불량하다고 알려져 있는 사실, 태아곤란증의 진단은 주로 태아심박동곡선의 양상에 따르고 있는 사실, 2005. 3. 21. 06:00경까지 태아의 심박동은 정상이었던 사실, 피고병원 소속 의사 강○○, 한○○은 2005. 3. 21. 08:00경 원고 정○○에게 자궁수축제인 옥시 토신을 투여하였다가 08:05경 70회의 태아심박동률감소가 나타나자 이를 중단하였고, 태아심박동률 감소가 나타난 점, 짙은 태변착색(thick meconium)이 관찰되는 점 등을 고려하여 태변흡입증후군, 태아심음곤란증 등을 이유로 제왕절개수술을 결정한 사실, 피고 병원은 같은 날 08:10경 원고 정○○에 대하여 제왕절개수술을 시행 하여 같은 날 08:34경 신생아가 태어난 사실 등은 앞에서 인정한 바와 같은바, 이에 비추어보면 위 04:30경에는 양수에 옅은 태변착색이 있기는 하였지만 태아심박동검사결과 태아의 심박동이 정상으로 나타났으므로 이 때에는 태아곤란증이 의심되는 상태에 있었다고 보기 힘든 반면, 08:05경에는 태아심박동률감소가 나타났고, 양수에 짙은 태변착색이 관찰되는 등 태아곤란증이 의심되는 상태에 이르자 피고 병원이 지체 없이 제왕절개수술을 시행하였던 것으로 보이므로 피고 소속 의사들이 태아곤란증이 의심되는 상황에서 이를 방치하여 적절한 제왕절개 수술시기를 놓친 것이라는 원고의 주장을 인정하기 어렵고, 달리 이를 인정할 증거가 없다. 따라서 원고들의 (1) 주장은 이유 없다.
(2) As to the plaintiffs' assertion (2) it is insufficient to recognize the above assertion only with the definition of 23 of the evidence No. 2-1, and there is no other evidence to acknowledge it. Rather, according to the evidence No. 5 and No. 7-6 or No. 10 of the evidence No. 7, the defendant hospital can recognize the fact that the defendant hospital continuously carried out an inspection of the fetus heart rate from 04:30 on March 21, 2005 to 08:10 on March 21, 2005, which was after discovered the solar color from the acquisition of the plaintiff Jeong Ho○○○○'s Ma○○, the defendant hospital was negligent in neglecting the duty of care to observe the state of the fetus and the mother. Thus, the plaintiff's claim No. 2 was without merit.
(3) 원고들의 (3) 주장에 대하여 살피건대, 피고 병원 소속 산부인과 의사 강00, 한○○은 2005. 3. 21. 08:00경 원고 정○○에게 자궁수축제인 옥시토신을 투여하였다는 사실은 앞서 인정한 바와 같고, 을제1호증의 기재에 의하면, 옥시토신은 태아의 건강상태가 양호한 때에 주입하고 양수의 태변착색이 나타나거나 태아심박수가 비정상일때에는 그 주입을 피한다는 사실을 인정할 수 있으나, 앞서 인정한 사실에 의하면, 비록 같은 날 04:30경 양수에 옅은 태변착색이 나타나기는 했다고 하더라도 그러한 사정만으로는 태아곤란증을 의심할 상태는 아니었고, 태아의 심장박동률감소가 나타난 08:05 경에 이르러서야 태아곤란증을 의심할 수 있는 상황이었던 데다가, 원고 정○○는 유도분만을 시작한 지 상당한 시간이 경과한 2005. 3. 21. 04:00경 이후에도 계속 가벼운 자궁수축만 있을 뿐, 자궁수축의 증강이나 자궁경관의 개대진행이 없어 피고 병원은 08:00경 원고 정○○에게 옥시토신을 투여하였다가, 같은 날 08:05경 태아심박동률감소가 나타나자 이를 바로 중단하였으며 이 때부터 태아곤란증을 의심하여 바로 응급제왕 절개수술을 결정하고 시행하였다는 것인바, 그렇다면 위 08:00경 피고 병원 소속 의사들이 원고 정○○에게 옥시토신을 주입한 것은 당시까지 태아곤란증을 의심할 만한 정도가 아니어서 제왕절개 수술 등의 시행이 결정되지 아니한 상태에서 원고 정의자궁수축 정도가 미약하여 분만을 촉진하기 위한 것으로 보이므로 당시의 상황에 비추어 위 08:00경 옥시토신을 주입한 것을 의사로서의 주의의무를 위반한 것으로 보기 어렵다. 따라서 원고들의 (3) 주장은 이유 없다.
(4) On March 21, 2005, the plaintiff's assertion was examined, and there was a situation where it was suspected that the fetus was difficult to undergo the king operation. Accordingly, the defendant hospital immediately performed the king operation. As the defendant hospital was in charge of the king operation, it is deemed that the defendant hospital was in charge of immediate measures under the circumstance where the fetus was suspected of having a brupt, and therefore, the plaintiff's claim (4) is without merit.
(5) As to the plaintiffs' assertion, the defendant hospital's assertion that the new infant's condition rapidly aggravated by the time of birth is 08:39 on March 21, 2005 and that the above new infant's condition was transferred to ○ University Hospital at around 14:0 after about five hours. However, in light of the above facts, the defendant hospital's opinion that the above new infant's disease was transferred to ○○ University Hospital's hospital's hospital's hospital's hospital's treatment condition after the above rapid aggravation of the new infant's condition, and that the above new infant's treatment facility's use of the new infant's disease to ○ University's hospital's hospital's treatment condition after 0:39 on March 21, 2005 is not sufficient, and that the above new infant's treatment facility's treatment condition was no longer high by the court's first of all, and that the new infant's treatment facility's treatment condition was no longer high by the first time after 0:00 pulsec.
3. Conclusion
Therefore, the plaintiffs' claims based on the premise that they were negligent in violating the medical care duty in the course of the plaintiff Jeong-○'s delivery process during the plaintiff Jeong-○'s delivery process are without merit. Thus, all of them are dismissed. It is so decided as per Disposition by the assent of all.
The presiding judge, the number of judges
Judges Yoon Young-kon
For judge Laos