(영문) 대구지방법원 포항지원 2021.03.03 2020고단978



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

The singish financial fraud organization is operated in the form of an organization that, by misrepresenting many unspecified victims of the Republic of Korea by deceiving them to “to receive or withdraw money at a low interest rate when repaying existing loans,” and by deceiving them by means of a cash receipt, it is operated in the form of an organization that takes charge of and takes charge of the crime, “total liability,” “ Call Center,” “to withdraw money deposited by the victim,” “measures to withdraw money deposited by the victim” under instructions from the total liability, “measures to withdraw money deposited by the victim,” “measures to withdraw money directly collected money from the victims or victims,” and directly collected money from the victims to the singing organization.

On December 20, 2019, the Defendant would offer a loan to B Co., Ltd. with interest rate of 12% to KRW 15 million from a person who is not the name of the Plaintiff, which was the cause of the phishing organization.

In order to obtain a loan, it received and consented to the purport that “the withdrawal and delivery of money remitted as the details of the transaction of the passbook should be made”, and then, the victim was willing to play a role in purchasing merchandise coupons with the money deposited in his own account or delivering it to the sender by withdrawing the money in cash according to the direction of the person without a name.

On December 23, 2019, the name name in the name in the name of the rescing organization refers to the purport that the phone calls with the victim C while misrepresenting the victim D staff and "to make a substitute loan with the funds for the support of ordinary people." On the following day, the phone calls for the victim and calls for the victim to obtain a low interest rate of 50% prior to the exchange of the existing loan. In violation of the terms and conditions, the Financial Supervisory Service reported the loan to the Financial Supervisory Service as a operational loan, and if the existing loan is repaid at an early rate equivalent to 60-70% of the existing loan, the document is sent to the Financial Supervisory Service.

It is a false statement to the effect that “I wish not to grant a loan for operations.”