(영문) 인천지방법원 2016.05.03 2015고단6953




A Imprisonment with prison labor for a term of one year and six months, each of whom shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and one year.

However, Defendant B and C.


Punishment of the crime


A is a person who handles legal affairs, such as personal rehabilitation, bankruptcy, etc. at the Seocho-gu Seoul High Court building from January 2, 2010 to October 2014, the law firm F in the 10th floor, and from November 2014 to September 2015, the Seocho-gu Seoul High Court building and the law office L office in the 5th floor.


B, from April 2008, as a law representative attorney, had A use the lawyer's name while being employed as a law firm representative, and Defendant C had been employed as a lawyer in the law office from November 2014 to the present time and had A use the lawyer's name.

1. A person who is not a defendant A-at-law shall not receive or promise to receive money, valuables, entertainment or other benefits, nor shall he/she handle legal affairs, such as representation for, legal counseling on, preparation of legal documents related to, etc. in connection with non-contentious cases;

A. A. On December 24, 2009, the Defendant, using the name of the F attorney-at-law B, handled legal affairs, such as accepting cases including personal rehabilitation and bankruptcy in the name of the attorney-at-law, and the Defendant agreed to receive 10 million won per month from January 201 to August 26, 2013. On December 26, 201, the Defendant handled various legal affairs, such as preparing and submitting various documents under the name of the attorney-at-law, and agreed to receive 10 million won per month (the price was changed to KRW 7 million per month from August 201, and was changed to KRW 4 million per month from August 2013). On December 26, 2012, the Defendant, at the F Office of Law Firm F, received 1.5 million won from the clients for personal rehabilitation and received 1.6 billion won for each other’s personal rehabilitation, 1.6 billion won per month and 1.8 billion won per month from the date of termination of the case’s trust agreement.

In this respect.