(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.02.03 2014가합532656



1. The respective claims against Defendant B, C, D, and E in the instant lawsuit shall be dismissed.

2. The defendant corporation.


1. Basic facts

A. The registration relation to the first real estate of this case 1) In the future of Defendant B’s creation of a mortgage on the first real estate of Defendant B, the creation of a mortgage on the first real estate of this case, as to the first real estate of this case owned by Defendant B, the establishment of a mortgage on the first real estate of this case as the Seoul Central District Court’s registration No. 235178, Oct. 1, 2013, the maximum debt amount of which is KRW 150,00,000, the debtor as Defendant B, and the debtor as Defendant B, and the mortgagee as Defendant B, the establishment of a mortgage on the first real estate of this case (hereinafter

(2) The Plaintiff’s registration of the creation of a pledge on the first priority mortgage of this case was established by the Defendant’s character loan, and accordingly, the registration of the establishment of a pledge on the first priority mortgage of this case was completed on October 1, 2013 with the registration of the Seoul Central District Court’s registry No. 235179, Oct. 1, 2013; the due date of payment was 150,000,000 as the registration of the establishment of a pledge on the first priority mortgage of this case; the interest was 12% per annum; the debtor was the Defendant’s character character loan; and the creditor was the Plaintiff (hereinafter “registration of the establishment of a pledge on the first priority mortgage of this case”).

3) On March 25, 2014, Defendant B registered the establishment of a mortgage over the instant real estate No. 1 on March 25, 2014: (a) the Seoul Central District Court’s registration number of the said real estate was KRW 117,00,000, the maximum debt amount was KRW 117,000,000 at the time of the Seoul Central District Court’s registration number of the said Seoul Central District Court; (b) the debtor was Defendant B; and (c) the debtor was a joint mortgagee; and (d) the registration of the establishment of a mortgage over the instant real estate No. 1 was completed at the time of the registration number of the said registry number as KRW 7,50,00,00, the debtor was KRW 37,500,000, and the debtor was a joint mortgagee as Defendant B, and the mortgagee was a joint mortgagee as Defendant D Asset Management loan.