(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.04.01 2013가합82727



1. The Defendant shall pay to the Plaintiff KRW 414,556,843 and the interest rate of KRW 20% per annum from October 22, 2013 to the date of full payment.


(c)payment to the Defendant in accordance with the payment criteria;

b) The criteria for, and conditions of, the calculation of special and monthly piece rates are as follows. The amount paid to the Defendant is the amount indicated below, and the Defendant must strictly satisfy and maintain the following requirements and conditions set out by the Plaintiff during the conclusion and payment period of this Agreement. ⅰ) The criteria for, and the date of, the calculation of special piece rates are as follows:

- Base: 10% of the average annual income of the two years immediately preceding the defendant's commissioning contract (based on withholding receipts): The first allowance payment date after the preparation of the commission contract ii) the monthly performance rate of the defendant shall be paid when the defendant has achieved the monthly cumulative performance standard (from the date of registration to the date of November) as follows. The maximum amount (total monthly performance rate) that the defendant can receive upon fulfilling all the monthly performance rate payment terms shall be 100% of the average annual income of the two years immediately preceding the defendant's commissioning contract. The annual total cumulative performance terms of the first year * 4- the "total annual performance terms of the first year" that the defendant must achieve for the monthly performance rate ? - the total annual income of the two years immediately preceding the commission contract of the defendant - the monthly performance rate of the second year / the defendant shall also be calculated by multiplying the annual performance rate of the second year by the annual average performance rate of the second year : the annual performance rate of the second year - the monthly performance rate of the second year - the monthly average performance rate of the second year below.

Article 7. The reasons for return of the performance-based rate and the amount-based performance rate of team maintenance rate in the following year shall be the annual income in the first year.