(영문) 대구지방법원 2016.01.15 2015나300569



1. The part against Defendant C in the judgment of the first instance shall be revoked.

2. Defendant C is the Plaintiff, Kimcheon-si, U.S. 98 square meters, and V.


1. Basic facts

A. The relationship between the parties and the inheritance 1) The net AF (hereinafter “the deceased”).

On June 16, 1939, Kimcheon-si AH 609, R 1,572, AI 1,387, and 76 square meters before Z respectively, the deceased completed the registration of transfer on the ground of sale on May 25, 1939, April 19, 1939, and June 14, 1939.2) The deceased died on July 12, 1950 as the so-called National Report Federation, and the plaintiff died on the part of the deceased (the AJ, the plaintiff's grandchildren, died on May 8, 1950).

B. 1) The land category was changed to a river before Kimcheon-si 609 square meters before AH, Kimcheon-si 609 square meters, and on October 6, 1983, X river 463 square meters (hereinafter “X land”).

2) As to Qua river, Qua 411 square meters (hereinafter “instant Q land”).

(2) The land category of the above land was changed to a orchard on January 23, 2013. (2) On December 15, 1969, the land category was changed to a river on December 15, 1969. On October 6, 1983, the land category was changed to a river on a 3333 square meters in a R 463 square meters in a Q 41 square meters in a Q 41 square meters in a river, a river on a AK 340 square meters in a river, a river on a 62 square meters in a AM 196 square meters in a river, and a river on a 1,572 square meters in a river, a river on a 1,572 square meters in a 1,572 square meters in a river, a river on a 33333 square meters in a river, a river, a river on a 98 square meters in a 97 square meters in a river, a river on a 13732, a river, a 13974 square meters in a river.

The R land of this case was divided into an orchard on January 23, 2013, and the land category of this case was changed into an orchard.

3) The land category of AI No. 1,387, Kimcheon-si, Kimcheon-si was changed on December 15, 1969 to a river, and on October 6, 1983, the land category was 1,028 square meters in W river (hereinafter “W land”).

2) As to the land of this case, Y-based 632 square meters (hereinafter “Y-based Y”).

2) As to the land of this case, the land of this case is deemed to be the land of this case.

A) The V river was divided into 1,604 square meters, etc. The latter is a V river 1,604 square meters on August 1, 2001, V river 1,324 square meters (hereinafter “instant V land”).

and AA..