(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.05.16 2019고단1633



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

The name-free person is a member of the telephone financial fraud organization (one-time “Sing”) organization by deceiving a large number of unspecified persons to the investigation agency and falsely speaking to the effect that “I will withdraw all of the money in the bank account and return the money to the employee of the Financial Supervisory Service after confirming that the money is not related to the crime, because the bank has been used for a crime in the name of the party.”

On November 18, 2018, the Defendant: (a) received a proposal from a person under whose name the Defendant, stating that “the Defendant would misrepresent the staff of the Financial Supervisory Service, and transfer 3% of the collected money to the account designated by receiving the victim’s money,” and accepted it as a fee, by reporting and communicating the notice to the language crypt used by Chinese people in Korea.

On November 21, 2018, on the part of 15:30 on November 21, 2018, the name weak person assumes a false statement to the victim AC to the effect that “the prosecutor of the Seoul Central District Public Prosecutor’s Office is the prosecutor of the high-tech criminal investigation team.” The one-time passbook in the name of the party was discovered at the Bophishing site. In order to withdraw money in the passbook and deliver it to the Financial Supervisory Service to the employees of the Financial Supervisory Service. If it is confirmed that the victim is the victim, he shall be restored to the original state.” The victim shall withdraw cash 16.70,000 won from the passbook in the U Bank in the name of the victim and make the victim go to the Jongno-gu Seoul AD, and the defendant assumes the victim at least at least 17:20 on the same day according to the direction of the above name defective person, and received KRW 16.77,000 won from the victim by presenting two copies of the “financial criminal tracking civil petition document in the

Accordingly, the Defendant, in collusion with a name-free person, exercises two copies of a "civil petition for tracking financial accounts" under the name of the Chairperson of the Financial Services Commission, which is a forged official document, and induces the victim.