(영문) 청주지방법원 2018.01.25 2017고단1648



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. C, etc., committed a joint crime with C, etc., was in charge of the role of “Lice box” to open gambling boards and to exercise overall control over all matters necessary for gambling, and E was in charge of the role of “gambling” to aid the progress of gambling and to remove and calculate money from gambling boards, and F was in charge of the role of “lambling” to install a large tent and install a gambling book with all facilities necessary for gambling place, and the role of “lambing” to prepare for the police control, and G was in charge of the role of “lambling” to look at F with a large Do and a network, and the Defendant was in charge of the “lambing” to strawing the spath from gambling.

피고인은 C 등과 공모하여, 2014. 9. 17. 23:00 경부터 같은 달 18. 03:00 경까지 세종시 H 소재 불상의 야산에서 대형 천막을 설치하여 도박장을 만든 다음 I 등 도박꾼( 일명 찍 새) 들을 모아 놓고 화투 20 장을 사용하여 화투 5 장씩 4패로 나누고 도박 진행을 주도하는 일명 ‘ 총책’ 이 한 패를 잡고, 나머지 도박 참가자들인 일명 찍 새가 다른 두 패에 줄을 서는 방법으로 패를 잡은 다음 각각 도금을 걸고 화투 5 장을 이용하여 10이나 20을 만들어 남은 화투의 끝수에 따라 승패를 결정하는 속칭 도리 짓고땡 줄도 박을 운영하면서 끝 수가 9, 8, 7인 경우 승자가 취득한 도금에서 5% 의 고릿 돈을 떼 어내 수익을 올리는 방법으로 그 때부터 2014. 9. 26. 경까지 별지 범죄 일람표 1 기 재와 같이 5회에 걸쳐 영리를 목적으로 도박을 하는 장소를 개설하였다.

2. Joint criminal acts with J (K), L plays the role of “Lice head,” exercising overall control over all matters necessary for gambling by opening gambling boards, M means the role of “Lice head,” and “L means to assist gambling in the process of gambling and to remove and calculate the money from gambling.” N enters J and L to gambling with a vehicle, and a converted contact to gambling.