(영문) 대구지방법원 의성지원 2019.06.13 2019고단51



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

On April 14, 2017, the Defendant was sentenced to one year of imprisonment for a crime of fraud, etc. in the Daegu District Court's Ansan Branch, and was released on September 29, 2017 and the parole period expired on November 9, 2017.

2019 Highest 51

1. Larceny;

A. On February 2, 2019, at around 07:00, the Defendant entered a D warehouse operated by the Sung-gun, Sung-gun, Kim Jong-gun, and stolen the Defendant’s 1 set-up (48) of the market value of the victim E, the victim’s ownership, which was left by the victim E, by taking advantage of the gaps of surveillance negligence.

B. On February 3, 2019, at around 09:17, the Defendant entered the I warehouse operated by the victim H in Seongbuk-gun G, Seongbuk-gun, and took advantage of the gap where surveillance was neglected, the Defendant stolen 2 1,400,000,000 won in the market price of the victim’s possession (60km) on the F-learning car.

C. At around 08:30 on February 10, 2019, the Defendant: (a) entered the K warehouse operated by the victim JJ in Seongbuk-gun G; and (b) used a gap in surveillance negligence, the Defendant: (c) loaded the victim’s market value of KRW 5 million (240km); and (d) cut off the victim’s 8 pentle (240km); and (d) loaded the victim’s 9 straw (108km) into Lysta car.

At around 14:10 on February 19, 2019, the Defendant entered the I warehouse operated by the victim H in Seongbuk-gun G, Seongbuk-gun, and took advantage of the gap where surveillance was neglected, the Defendant stolen 2 1,300,000,000 won in the market value of the victim’s ownership (100,000) on Mysta car.

E. Around 15:00 on February 21, 2019, the Defendant entered the victim’s house located in the Sung-gun N, Sung-gun, Gyeongbuk-gun, and took advantage of the gap where surveillance was neglected, the Defendant stolen 60 km of KRW 1,000,000 at the market price of the victim’s ownership by carrying 60 km in Pstuna car.

F. On February 22, 2019, around 15:30 on February 22, 2019, the Defendant: (a) entered the victim R in Sung-gun Q, Seongbuk-gun; and (b) used the gaps in which surveillance was neglected, the Defendant stolen the Defendant’s 270km away from the market price of KRW 4 million and loaded 2.70km in SK5 vehicles.

2. On February 19, 2019, the Defendant entering a building, at around 16:50, is a “V” restaurant operated by the injured party U in Gyeongbuk-gun T in Gyeongbuk-gun.