(영문) 창원지방법원 2020.10.07 2020고단1313




A Imprisonment with prison labor for six months, for one year and two months, for defendant C, for four months and for ten months.


Punishment of the crime

[200 Highest 1313]

1. Around March 22, 2020, the Defendant assaulted the victim’s face, i.e., f., “F” in the front of the toilet “F” in Kimhae-si, Kimhae-si, on two occasions as drinking, in the process of drinking together with the victim G (ma and age 21).

2. At around 02:45 on March 22, 2020, Defendants B, A, and C co-principaled with the victim G(the age of 21) for the same reason as paragraph (1) in front of the “I” drinking house in Kimhae-si, Kimhae-si, and Defendant C left the victim’s face once a week, Defendant C took the victim’s face one time a week, Defendant B took the victim’s face one time a week, Defendant A took the victim’s face one time a week, Defendant B took the victim’s face one time a week, Defendant B took the victim’s shoulder with the victim’s shoulder, and Defendant C took the victim’s face two times by drinking, Defendant C took the victim’s face two times with the victim’s face, Defendant B took the victim’s face over with hand, Defendant B took the victim’s head of the dangerous thing, and Defendant B took the victim’s face one time a week, and she took the victim’s face one three weeks of the injury necessary for treatment.

As a result, Defendant A and C jointly with Defendant B inflicted an injury on the victim, and Defendant B jointly with Defendant A and Defendant C inflicted an injury on the victim with a dangerous object.

3. Defendant B’s assault assaulted the victim’s face one time in his hand on the ground that the victim J (n, 21 years of age) who was in the conduct of G at the time and place set forth in paragraph (2) was prevented from fighting.

4. Defendant B and D’s violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (joint assaulting Defendants) reported that the victim M (year 21) who is a daily driver of G (year 21) in front of the “La Hospital” emergency room in G in G in Kimhae-si on March 22, 2020 came from the hospital, and Defendant B went beyond the victim’s bridge, and Defendant D took about five times the victim’s face to drink.

Accordingly, the Defendants jointly do so.