(영문) 의정부지방법원고양지원 2015.02.04 2014가합51077



1. The plaintiffs, Defendant G, each of 90,350,299 won, Defendant H, each of 49,805,150 won, and Defendant I, each of 71,679,448 won.


1. Basic facts

A. The parties’ share of inheritance (1) died on February 16, 2014, and the Plaintiffs are the deceased’s heir as the deceased’s children.

(2) The network J had AJ, but the network K was married with Defendant G and died on March 27, 2004 with Defendant H and I, and the Defendants inherited the network J on behalf of the Defendants.

(3) The ratio of the Plaintiffs and the Defendants’ share of inherited property of the deceased J to the inherited property is as follows.

(See Articles 1009 and 1010 of the Civil Act). (a) each of the Plaintiffs 1/7 (b) Defendant G3/49 (1/7 x 3/7) (c) Defendant H, Defendant I, and 2/49 (1/7 x 2/7) respectively.

B. The positive property with the deceased J’s inherited property is as shown in Table 1 below, and there is no particular small property.

Items 14,824,800 2 lease deposit money of 54,824,800 2 lease deposit money of 110,000,000 3 network J 1,690,567,774 cash 14,755,280 50 507,07,00 1,870 507,013 1,870,654,867 1]

C. On December 31, 1995, the GJ of the deceased J, owned each real estate listed in Articles 5 through 13 and 15 of the [Attachment List, and donated each of the above real estate to the GJ on December 31, 1995, and on February 12, 1996, the GJ completed the registration of ownership transfer based on the above donation.

Attached Form

The above real estate was owned by the network N (the deceased J's father and the deceased on October 12, 1986). On February 12, 1996, the ownership transfer registration based on donations was completed on December 31, 1995, respectively.

E. After the deceased K's death, the registration of transfer of ownership was completed on March 27, 2004 on each of the instant real estates listed in the separate sheet (hereinafter "each of the instant real estates") due to inheritance due to consultation and division as shown in Table 2 as follows. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 18358, Jun. 25, 2004; Presidential Decree No. 18358, Mar. 27, 2004>

Attached list of the registered titleholders on the date of registration of real estate.