(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2012.11.08 2012고단1342



Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

Nos. 2 and 7, which have been seized, shall each be the victim's name unfortunateer.


Criminal facts

From May 2012, the Defendants leased No. 413 of the Gyeonggi-si E-S. Building 2012 to the office, and then, “F”, “G”, “H”, “I”, and “I”, “J”, and “K” (or “I”, “W”, respectively, with Korean male and female who are unable to know their names, and the one with no knowledge of their names, and with the one with no knowledge of their names, and with “I”, “I” and “I” and “I”, “B” and “I”, respectively, sent the above “I” and “I” and “I” to the above “I” and “I” and “I” and “I” and “I” to open the Internet mobile phone and the one with no knowledge of their names as a security against many unspecified persons, so that I” and “I” and “I” and “I” will open the Internet mobile phone and the one with no knowledge of their names.

1. The Defendants’ fraud at the above office from May 18, 2012, and the fact that the above “I”, etc. was the purpose of purchasing smartphones to use it as a mobile phone without intent or ability to lend a mobile phone as a security, but it was possible for an unspecified number of victims to use it as a mobile phone up to 300-5 million won.