(영문) 대전지방법원 2014.10.16 2013고단686



Defendants are not guilty.


1. On August 13, 2014, Defendant A was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years for a year of imprisonment with prison labor for occupational embezzlement, etc. at the Daejeon District Court, and the judgment became final and conclusive on August 21, 2014.

[2013 Height686: Defendant AB]

1. A manufacturer, importer, or seller of cosmetics shall not make any indication or advertisement that is likely to mislead or mislead consumers, despite the fact that Defendant A and Defendant B conspired with each other, Defendant A and Defendant B indicated “20% of the total red ginseng concentration,” which is the red ginseng ingredients, and 0.2% of the total red ginseng concentration, and 19.8% of the increased red ginseng concentration, which is the distilled ginseng ingredients, on the product containers and packaging boxes, in order to make it visible that red ginseng ingredients contain 20% of the total red ginseng content, and indicated “20% of the main red ginseng extractions of ingredients.”

2. A manufacturer, importer, or seller of cosmetics shall not make any indication or advertisement that is likely to mislead or mislead consumers, despite the fact that Defendant A and Defendant B conspired with each other, Defendant A and Defendant B indicated “10% of the red ginseng concentration, which is the red ginseng content, and 9.9% of the distilled ginseng content, in the case of “N” sold by the J around August 2009 (State), (State), (State) K Development, (State) L), and (State) J, despite the fact that “N” contains 0.1% of the red ginseng concentration, which is the ingredients, and 9.9% of the distilled ginseng concentration which is the distilled ginseng content, but they indicated on products containers and packaging boxes “10% of the major ingredients so as to make the red ginseng content known as containing 10%.”

[2013 Man-Ma1381: Defendants 1 and 201] Defendant A are those who run K Co., Ltd. (O) in the name of their wife.


C was working as the head of the PP team of the J around July 2009, and was working as the head of the QJ around July 2009, Qu set the product specifications, including the content of the new product, developed by the J, and approved the amendment of the specifications of other departments.


B R. J. H.