(영문) 울산지방법원 2014.04.04 2013가단21924

전세권 설정등기 등


1. The Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant) pays KRW 4,390,220 to the Defendant (Counterclaim Plaintiff).

2. The Defendant (Counterclaim Plaintiff) is the Plaintiff.


A principal lawsuit and a counterclaim shall be deemed simultaneously.

1. Basic facts

A. On December 20, 2010, the Plaintiff concluded a lease agreement to lease the instant real estate to the Defendant with a deposit of KRW 100 million, monthly rent of KRW 2.5 million (Additional tax), monthly payment date, and the lease period from February 1, 201 to January 31, 2013 (hereinafter “instant lease agreement”), and agreed as follows.

(1) Of the deposit, the Defendant pays the remainder of KRW 40 million on December 25, 201 to the Defendant on the contract date, and the intermediate payment of KRW 50 million on December 25, 201, and the remainder of KRW 40 million on January 5, 201, and the Plaintiff delivers the instant real estate to the Defendant on the date of the remainder payment.

Luxembourg The Defendant shall restore the instant real estate to its original state at the time of the expiration of the contract and deliver it.

Consolidated rental contract term shall be guaranteed by five years, but when the lease is renewed after two years, the deposit and monthly rent shall be increased by 20%.

x) remove at the expense of the defendant, and dispose of all the equipment, facilities and equipment shall also be the defendant.

(v) the defendant shall perform the Human Rights Corporation after the payment of part payments.

B. The Plaintiff and the Defendant, along with the instant lease agreement, agreed to establish a chonsegwon with the term of KRW 100 million from February 1, 201 to January 30, 201, with the Defendant as the person having chonsegwon the instant real estate as the person having chonsegwon, and concluded the registration of establishment of chonsegwon on January 11, 201 (hereinafter “registration of establishment of chonsegwon”).

C. The Defendant paid a lease deposit as agreed, and received delivery of the instant real estate from the Plaintiff, and performed interior works until April 6, 201, and completed the same month.

8. Starting its business. D.

Although the Defendant proposed from July 2012 to suspend its business and lease the instant real estate to the Plaintiff, the instant real estate was not leased to another person so that the instant lease contract term expires, and the Plaintiff and the Defendant agreed not to renew the instant lease.

(e) Accordingly.