(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2011.11.01 2010가합114104



1. The defendant's KRW 88,810,440 to the plaintiff A, KRW 87,037,360 to the plaintiff B, and KRW 3,00,000 to the plaintiff C and D respectively.


1. Basic facts

A. The relationship E of the parties (hereinafter “the deceased”) was hospitalized in the set-off white hospital operated by the Defendant (hereinafter “Defendant Hospital”) and received treatment on August 13, 2010, and died around 14:38.


B, A is the parent of the deceased, and the plaintiff C and D are the remainder of the deceased.

B. From around 18:00 on August 10, 2010, the Defendant Hospital’s first internal medical clinic and the deceased (1) had generated high heat, the heart, the Gu soil, and the joint medical clinic, and applied them to F medical clinics on August 11, 2010.

의사 F은 망인에 대하여 혈액검사 등을 실시한 후 ‘망인의 체온이 39.5℃, 백혈구 수가 6,700개/μL(참고치 4,000 ~ 10,000개/μL), 분절핵 호중구 분율이 82%(참고치 50 ~ 75%), 간기능 검사 수치인 AST가 59IU/L(참고치 9 ~ 39IU/L), ALT가 13IU/L(참고치 5 ~ 45IU/L)로 A형 간염 또는 감염성 대장염이 의심되는바 입원, 검사 및 경과 관찰이 요망된다’는 내용으로 진료의뢰서를 작성하여 같은 날 17:22경 망인을 피고 병원 응급실로 전원(이하 ‘제1차 내원’이라 한다)시켰다.

(2) At the time of electric power generation, the body temperature of the Deceased was 39C; blood pressure was 100/70mHg; 88 times/minutes for beer and 20 times for respiratorys; the food level was clear; and the two symptoms showed the heart symptoms; however, he did not appear in the mouth.

피고 병원 의료진은 망인에 대하여 일반혈액검사, 소변검사, 흉부방사선검사, 혈액균배양검사 등을 시행하였는데, 일반혈액검사 결과 백혈구 수는 6,010개/μL, 분절핵 호중구 분율은 73.6%이었고, 소변검사 결과 미량의 단백뇨가 검출되었으며, 흉부방사선검사 결과 폐에 병변은 보이지 않았고, 혈액균배양검사 결과(검사 결과는 2010. 8. 13. 19:13경 확인되었다) 채혈한 혈액에서는 균이 배양되지 않았다.

The medical team of the Defendant Hospital discharged the Deceased on August 11, 2010 after investing the heat and the amount of the deceased.

C. The second internal source and treatment of the Defendant Hospital.