(영문) 대전지방법원 논산지원 2019.06.26 2019고합16



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four years.

Seized knife knife (24 cm in length, 13 cm in length, m. 2 m.) shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant and the victim B (n, 65 years old) are between 2 to 3 times a month from the beginning of 2016 to the beginning of 2016, and have been in resistant relations such as meals and meals.

From February 2019, the Defendant was able to make the victim fit with rice, was unable to get telephone, and the Defendant was suspected that the victim was able to talk with other males than himself/herself, and due to this, there was a serious complaint against the ordinary male victim.

Around March 13, 2019, while the Defendant saw the victim's refusal to take the knife with the victim, and took a mixed drinking, the Defendant: (a) had the victim's refusal to take the knife with the victim; (b) had the knife the knife with the knife with the knife, which was kept in the house at around 16:00 on the same day; (c) had the knife with the victim's knife with the knife, which had been kept in the house; and (d) had knife the knife with the victim and C, had the knife the knife with the victim, and had the knife with the victim's knife with the knife with the knife; (d) had the victim

Since then, the defendant returned to his house. At around 19:20 on the same day, the defendant tried to commit suicide after indicating the string-in-house relationship, put the knife of other slaughter knife (24 cm in length, 13 cm in length on the day) at the defendant's house into the victim's house and talked with the victim and C about drinking together with the victim's house, while the victim was aware that he wanted to disclose his internal ties, and the idea that the victim was flifeing to her own to receive money, he was flife with the victim, killed the victim, killed the victim, killed the victim. The knife in-house and knife the victim with the knife's knife "" and 3 to 4 cm in inside the inside, and then knife the knife with the knife, so making it difficult to knife the victim.